

  • I have often been asked why VenusPlusX, and its mission to help bring about to the coming New Age of Sexual Freedom, has been so concerned in the last couple of years with the two issues of Climate Change and Net Neutrality. Some of my friends asked me to explain what these issues have to…

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  • Dan Massey and I were there at the birth of the Internet, Dan directly involved in the research and development that brought it about. Based on the work of Alan Turing and others, the Internet was an expensive, tax-payer-funded, labor intensive product for the military. By the late 70s, it became a utility available to the…

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  • Last night, President Obama, in his State of the Union speech, made clear that net neutrality is important to everyone throughout the world. “I intend to protect a free and open internet, extend its reach to every classroom, and every community, and help folks build the fastest networks, so that the next generation of digital…

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  • Why Phone and Cable Companies Want to Kill the Internet’s Most Democratic Right Lobbyists representing phone and cable companies have now reorganized and doubled down on disinformation campaigns. They are crying censorship against advocates who want to preserve the built-in democracy of the Internet that guarantees everyone a voice. After all, corporations are people, folks.…

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  • We may be experiencing the last few days when we can be sure that the Internet will remain free from the control of mega-corporations at the expense of the little guy. Sites such as Comcast and AT&T could be getting fast lanes, the cost of which would be borne by you the consumer. Other websites,…

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  • One of the most consequential decisions Washington is set to make in 2014 won’t come out of the White House, Congress, or any of the nation’s boardrooms, but rather from a nondescript federal building along the city’s southwest waterfront. It’s here, in the offices of the Federal Communications Commission, that the fate of the Internet…

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  • “Freedom of communication with any application to any party is the fundamental social basis of the Internet, and now is the basis of the society we’ve built on the Internet.” — Tim Berners-Lee Thanks to Stephanie Crets and the folks at, we are happy to add the following material to our conversation about the…

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  • Obama Contradicts FCC Chief on Fast Lanes, Net Neutrality Backers Say Net neutrality is the idea that the Internet should be an open platform, and broadband companies shouldn’t be able to interfere with your right to access content and services on line. — Sam Gustin for President Obama made a strong and clear declaration supporting net…

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  • Grassroots efforts to save Net neutrality may be working . . . more needs to be done to ensure the Internet is protected. There’s no time to waste in feeling gratified even though advocacy organizations such as Free Press, CREDO, and, along with tech companies such as Google and Facebook, and rank-and-file grassroots activists are…

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  • Basically Every Big Internet Firm Signs Letter Against FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan There has been a rush of public pressure on the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to put off the May 15 vote that would drastically change the Internet. The commission has proposed allowing big providers (Verizon and Comcast to name two) to create higher…

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