

Founders’ Bios

Alison Gardner Bio (2014)


Alison Gardner is an independent activist recently relocated to Brooklyn, New York, after 8 busy years in Washington, DC. Using her work at the grassroots to inform her national and international advocacy, she has been able to apply her background as a publicist and teacher to the struggle for universal equality rights and the sexual liberation of all humankind. In 2010, VenusPlusX was launched with her life partner of of nearly 4 decades, Dan Massey, to provide a unique mix of ideas, conversations, and campaigns meant for a near future that is free from discrimination based on race, sex, gender, or sexual practice between consenting adults. In 2014, the site has been redesigned and expanded to support this work.

Working with grassroots community groups, direct action coalitions, and traditional organizations, Alison has been a vocal advocate for a range of issues, such as global sexual freedom rights in places like Uganda; national employment and housing non-discrimination legislation; exposing American fundamentalists who work against equality, here and abroad; ending police bias against sexual minorities, especially against people who are transgender and gender-nonconforming; and, bringing about the legalization of sex work by the establishment of a legitimate sexual healing industry.

Dan and Alison are Advisory Council members at Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance
and the Policy Advisory Board at Gender Rights Maryland. In addition, while in DC, Alison and Dan etched an excellent track record bundling donations and hosting fundraising events for their favorite causes and political candidates.

Alison has provided pro bono PR services in 2007-8 to Pediatric AIDS/HIV Care (Washington, D.C.); the National Equality March in D.C., 2009; Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance, 2010 and 2012; and others.

Alison’s radicalization began in her teens, up through graduation from Kean College in 1970, as an anti-war activist, eventually working with Vietnam Veterans Against the War in the late 60s. Currently, she is putting the final touches on a new book she co-authored with Dan, finished just weeks before his untimely departure to a higher plane. It’s about on the connection between all things erotic and cosmic citizenship, finally taking sacred sexuality out of the closet and putting it to work in transforming our world.


Dan Massey Bio (1942-2013)

DANNNNNNDan Massey has functioned as an independent activist committed to the creation of a New Age of liberty, freedom, justice, and equality for all people. He named this program Columbia, the traditional name of the supreme being of our American civil religion, who personifies these great ideals in our national consciousness. VenusPlusX is the project Dan employs to inform and uplift that social system, through education, training, advocacy, and communications to support and accelerate the New Age.

Dan and his life partner of more than 35 years, Alison Gardner, are revealing to the public a new concept of the intrinsic value of sex and gender expression, of personal erotic freedom, to replace millennia of unreasoned ignorance, fear, and hatred with the true joy of Love.

Dan and Alison have hosted numerous fundraisers and networking events in their home and support many public LGBT events. They work closely with local and national organizations, helping forge alliances born of unity rather than uniformity.Dan and Alison are members of the Advisory Council of Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance and the Policy Advisory Board of Gender Rights Maryland. Through his blog and archived papers on, Dan provides a vision of the values of the New Age from varied perspectives.

Dan is a retired technology development executive, experienced in distributed simulation, artificial intelligence, mathematical linguistics, experimental psychology, and metamathematics, all of which inform his revelations of the nature, expression, and true purpose of the erotic senses, the senses through which humans may most personally know Love. A graduate of M.I.T. and Harvard, he has spent most of his professional life working to make people’s lives better through technology.