The far right believes they have a chance to remake the world into the christian, capitalist theocracy they have always wanted.

Even liberal media says, “If they win this election cycle they will do things that would reverse history for 75 years!”
But none of that’s going to happen.
There are only two possible outcomes. Either . . .
- The non-republican ground game will send the right-wing nuts an important rebuke. Everyone who doesn’t subscribe to their particular brand of religious and capitalist lunacy are non-republicans, Democrats or not, including those that are conservatives but not crazy. This by far larger majority will hopefully reject the worst of the candidates. The non-republicans are and will be the alternative and more long-lasting just because they are not crazy, or at least less crazy.
Or . . .
- The kin to Sharia law, especially with respect to the treatment of women, our home-grown religious terrorists will be given the numerical and ideological reins and have their greatest opportunity yet to self-repudiate their bankrupt ideas.
There is an acknowledgement that it’s too late for these old, white men. Their time has already passed. They may enjoy a few years of influence but all their bad ideas will not last long because they have no survival value. They are already on the ropes and going down. Their opinions are everyday more non-sensical towards the environment, human rights, women’s rights, income inequality, just about everything, and we, the non-republicans are not standing for it no matter what happens tonight.