Public Information
Gospel According to Goldilocks
2 min read
Earlier this week, we released another excerpt of our upcoming book, The Unseen Journey (working title) about the unification of eros and agape, only possible by stripping away thousands of years of disinformation and human superstition about the sexual basis for all spirituality. Our book is a declaration that eros and agape are one with unified Love, and that…
Net Neutrality on the front burner, at last
2 min read
Basically Every Big Internet Firm Signs Letter Against FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan There has been a rush of public pressure on the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to put off the May 15 vote that would drastically change the Internet. The commission has proposed allowing big providers (Verizon and Comcast to name two) to create higher…
Re-envisioning the future: A personal call to action
5 min read
VenusPlusX re-envisions the future as A New Age of Sexual Freedom because that is a state of being the heralds the end of racism (at its root sexual oppression) and the end of nationalism for the purposes of war (at its root racism)and other forms of inhumane exploitation. In connection with our recent relaunch, a…
Yes, it’s true, anti-LGBT laws kill
1 min read
Quantifying the Effects of Homophobia Providing the quantifiable effects of homophobia will allow policy makers, economists, and global leaders to better understand that anti-gay laws ultimately do more harm than good, to LGBT people and the population at large. –Dominic Bocci for The Advocate Society must be kept accountable for the facts that an LGBT…
“As many as 11% of U.S. women ages 15-44 who have ever had sexual intercourse have used a “morning after” pill at least once, or 5.8 million women. Half say they used it because they feared their birth control method may have failed, and the rest say they had unprotected sex.” –First Federal Report on…
In 2011, the secretary of health and human services’ banned over-the-counter sales of emergency birth control to girls under age 17… in 2013, a federal judge challenged this decision. When Kathleen Sebelius, former health secretary of President Obama, blocked the sale of emergency birth control (commonly referred as the “morning after pill” or by its…
Donate: The New Center Against Religious Extremism
7 min read
I was so heartened to see yesterday’s press release issued by Wayne Besen’s Truth Wins Out (TWO) regarding the funding of TWO’s new Center Against Religious Extremism (CARE, or TWOCARE). “If you’re like me, you are tired of American extremists literally getting away with murder from Uganda to Russia,” said Truth Wins Out Executive Director…
The primary reason we created VenusPlusX a few years ago was to establish a repository of our solutions for freeing humanity of its many misconceptions about an individual’s direct connection to cosmic technology. It is also the reason we decided to capture the essential premise of our work in book form. Here is another excerpt…
Net Neutrality: Who is minding our store?
4 min read
FCC’s Reported Capitulation around Open Internet Protections is a Major Step Backward “If true, this proposal is a huge step backwards and just must be stopped,” said Michael Copps, a former FCC commissioner who now serves as a special adviser to Common Cause’s Media and Democracy Reform Initiative. “If the Commission subverts the Open Internet…
VenusPlusX relaunches!
4 min read
[pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] Welcome back to VenusPlusX. As most of you know at the beginning of 2013 Dan set off suddenly and unexpectedly for the hereafter (Wikipedia, The Advocate, Huffington Post). We had just finished our jointly authored book about the erotic connection to spirituality. It’s working title is The Unseen Journey, and we hope to publish it…