Public Information
Violence against D.C. prostitutes has gone too far
4 min read
Violence against local D.C. prostitutes has become alarming. A local transgender woman, “Jane,” who wishes to remain anonymous, shared her story with me. As she describes it,”I was beat an inch from my life.” She said she was going to work as usual,”clocking in” as it’s called — those few moments that you take…
Hairy Politics
5 min read
Happy No Shave November, everyone! (not sure who came up with this…) Since when is body hair gendered? Doesn’t it just seem logical that people are hairy? Warmth for winter, right? Apparently if you live in mainstream America, the answer is no. From a young age, girls are expected to shave their body hair –…
A Second Chance
3 min read
No one encouraged me to be productive, to make something of my life. Hell, I thought selling drugs and prostituting were careers so naturally when I grew up I followed in those footsteps. I became a prostitute which led to drug addiction and then the cycle began. Nothing good became of my life, each day…
International Transgender Day of Remembrance in DC
2 min read
This month’s official DC Transgender Day of Remembrance honors all of those who have died in the strucggle for equality, and their families, as activists rededicate themselves to help answer today’s community concerns. Celebrated internationally, the Transgender Day of Remembrance in DC will take place at 6 PM, Tuesday, November 20, 2012, at the DC…
“Informed teens are much more likely to wait for first intercourse, use condoms and other barrier and birth control methods at first intercourse, and are more likely to take responsibility regarding their own sexual health.” Emily E. Prior But not just any information given to teens will produce such a result. For decades, sex education programming…
Voting while trans and the problems you might face
2 min read
New voter ID laws have created costly barriers to voting for many trans people. And much worse, the debate about voter ID laws have made even the idea of voting harder. so many of us may feel discouraged from even trying to vote on election day, according to National Center for Trans Equality Executive Director…
Trans Women Need Love, Too . . . Don’t They?
3 min read
(También en español) WE ARE NOT SEXUAL OBJECTS! WE ARE NOT YOUR FANTASY COME TRUE FOR ONE NIGHT WITH NO EMOTION…. Don’t we have hearts? Aren’t we human? Don’t we deserve love? As a transgender woman I know how this feels. I was born in the wrong body, Dammit! It’s not my fault. The best…
Leland Bobbé is a New York photographer who has found himself at the center of attention in the Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and Bisexual (LGBT) community. His amazing Half Drag photos are split down the middle with one side showing a man without makeup and sometimes even with a beard. The other side shows the same man in full drag…
The FBI in the Palm of Your Hands
3 min read
With the release of iPhone 5 and its clear success, Apple is making great strides to entrench itself as the most widely used smartphone. What is surprising is that iPhone sales have been strong since release despite the fact that a few weeks prior, it was reported that the FBI may be tracking iPhone users.…
(También en español) “The ‘raging frenzy’ of the sex drive, to use Plato’s phrase, has always defied control. However, that’s not to say that the Sumerians, Victorians, and every civilization in between and beyond have not tried, wielding their most formidable weapon: the law.” From Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire by Eric…