

VenusPlusX Job Postings


VenusPlusX is a privately funded, not-for-profit, grant-making organization. We run a sister Spanish-language site, VenusMasX, also. We work with allies dedicated to the cause of sexual freedom throughout the world. If you are looking for a self-starting job opening, take a few minutes now, if you haven’t already, to navigate around the site and take note of the parts that especially interest you. Because this content deals with human sexuality (albeit in a mostly PG-13 manner), everyone who works with us has to be over 18, and have no religious objections to dealing candidly with the subject of sexual freedom as an inherited human right. Be sure to check out the About Us section and read our mission statement and description. These are the guiding documents that shape the websites

This work may be divided by working remotely, meeting with other staff members, participating in conference calls, and attending related meetings and conferences.

Our pace and our environment allow for flexibility so this is a perfect place for a student, recent grad, or anyone that likes what we stand for.

INTERNSHIPS/Assist Webmaster and Social Media Manager (unpaid)
Part-time positions, must be computer literate, social media savvy, and write and speak well. Fluent Spanish is a plus, as is a tech background. An unpaid internship may become a paid internship after 90 days. Send all three: a cover letter (not a form letter); a 3-sentence writing sample; and resume to

INTERNSHIPS/INGLÉS-ESPAÑOL/Assist Webmaster and Social Media Manager (unpaid)
Part-time positions for our sister site,, must be Spanish-English fluent, computer literate, social media savvy, and write and speak well. An unpaid internship may become a paid internship after 90 days. Send all three: a cover letter (not a form letter); a 3-sentence writing sample; and resume to