

From time to time we have been releasing portions of our pre-publication manuscript for an upcoming that Dan and I completed shortly before he transitioned to higher shores. It’s working title is The Unseen Journey, and, as always, we crave your comments and critiques.

This included a discussion of the conjunction of eros and agape, how their false division has created many falsehoods, harmful and entirely unnecessary, that have crippled humankind’s understanding of the direct connection between sexuality and spirituality. In this excerpt we are introducing the concept of a Supreme Being, not as a religious construct or mystical superstition, but as a logical conclusion of and representation of actualized Love.

Love is in the Air flickr/creative commons
Love is in the Air
flickr/creative commons

When better understood, the simple sentence, “Love is God,” contains and summarizes the true and final answer to all human seeking and speculation about the meaning of existence.

All of us have personal knowledge of Love, the experience of Love, from our own lives. One of the greatest and most durable linguistic definitions of Love has been revealed to humanity in the statement, “Love is the desire to do good to others.” In thinking about this statement, we can observe that various things are necessarily true in order for this single statement to be universally true.

In one sense, “a god” is something which humans consider controlling and directive in their lives. These gods have been everything from rocks to other human beings, as well as varied ideas and spiritual ideals. But one logical and durable definition of God is “that than which nothing greater can be conceived”—in effect, a Supreme Being. [This definition, first proposed by St. Anselm of Canterbury in 1078, has generally been accepted by philosophers of vitological ontology since then and achieved broad recognition in the work of the great metamathematician, Kurt Gödel, who reduced Anselm’s argument to an ontological proof of the essential reality of such a God.]

As U.S. President Bill Clinton once explained to us, there are many possible meanings attached to the simple word “is.” The most perfect and complete meaning of “is” necessarily becomes pure identity, not merely congruence, similarity, or inclusion, all of which could be incorrectly assumed. When we say, “Love is God,” we mean that the beings designated by the words “Love” and “God” are the same thing.

You may have heard it said, “God is love, but love is not god,” an utterly false and terribly misleading statement. Love most certainly is God. Not a power or an emanation of some being called “God,” but the actual real thing. Where Love is, God is, for they are one and the same, eternally indistinguishable. To avoid confusion with lesser human concepts of pure deity, we use the name, Supreme Being (or just the Supreme) to designate the fullest possible meaning of “Love is God.”

Taken together, “Love is God” means that the desire to do good to others is identically the same as the Supreme Being of all creation.
© VenusPlusX, 2013. All rights reserved.

Already available now as a companion reference, A Course in Immortality (and in Spanish, Un Curso En Inmortalidad), which will be published as an included Appendix in the new book.