

Newly designed and greatly expanded website coming

Just thought I’d let everyone know that we have been working hard all summer to develop campaigns and initiatives to help usher in “The New Age of Sexual Freedom” – a world free from the global culture of racial, sexual, and gender oppression and violence  currently supported by governments, religions, commerce, and social customs.

In a few days, we will go dark for 24 hours to upload our newly designed website with expanded content and new resources. We are especially proud of our new roster of Feature Editors, Guest Editors, and Guest Bloggers, such as . . .

Kushaba Moses Mwreko and Adrianna Midama will be writing more about global sexual freedom, and keeping up their annotated bibliography for anyone needing a quick education on international issues.

Dan Massey will continue to write on the broad topic of Transhuman Erotic Freedom, adding to his large archive developed over the last 6 months. Prepare for The New Age of Sexual Freedom.

Guest Editor, Jos Truitt, will moderate a national conversation on Transunity and Transleadership, addressing lots of challenging questions. And, later this month, Jos, Alison, and Dan will be hosting several live twitter chats at Atlanta’s Southern Comfort Conference later this month.

Jack Diehl will be giving us his wry take on his favorite news stories everyday. And be sure to can check out Tiye Massey‘s daily post of one of our latest YouTube video (or guest blog) featuring anyone of you who can answer, “What does sexual freedom mean to me?” If you send your written or video story or call us up on Skype-record, we’ll send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt for participating.

One of the good results of expanding our online presence, and the new staff to support all these editors, is that I will at last have the time to devote myself two subjects that tie in with all this. First, reporting out my research into American fundamentalist groups (that include, sadly, current U.S. Senators and Representatives) involved today in exporting hate and homophobia in the name of religion but only for their own (and their associate’s) commercial interest, all on your tax dollars. And, bringing to life the grassroots’ boots on the ground fighting for immediate relief from police bias and full federal equality rights.

We hope you find these new feature interesting and enticing, and look forward to getting your comments on the new site once we go live next week. In fact, we crave your criticism so we can do a better job.

Alison Gardner, co-founder of VenusPlusX