

  • FCC’s Reported Capitulation around Open Internet Protections is a Major Step Backward “If true, this proposal is a huge step backwards and just must be stopped,” said Michael Copps, a former FCC commissioner who now serves as a special adviser to Common Cause’s Media and Democracy Reform Initiative. “If the Commission subverts the Open Internet…

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  • In preserving all human rights, especially those having to do with privacy of person and sexual freedom, free access to the unfettered communications of the Internet is crucial. The Internet is the circulatory system of the body politic, and the world’s only hope for true pluralism. Any and all attempts to restrict or dismember the Internet and…

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  • Climate change deniers have painted themselves into a corner. They are victims of their own rhetoric based on illogical conclusions drawn from a fairly limited world view. Many do not seem to have paid attention in grade school, let alone have the skill set for a statesman entrusted with the life and death decision-making so…

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  • Earth Peace Listen to the sound of the earth turning (Yoko Ono, Earth Day, April 22, 2015) We’ve been promoting the hashtag, #EarthDayIsEveryDay because the impact on climate change is still grossly underestimated. It is one of our key issues because if we ruin our planet, our search for social and economic justice means little.…

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  • Yesterday, I revisited my pre-election theory that progressives and all non-Republicans will see the greater good of a Republican takeover of the Senate and their increased footprint in the House. And I promised to riff on a few memes to substantiate that soon after. (Part 1 here.) There’s nothing to fear since these election results are actually bringing…

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  • The far right believes they have a chance to remake the world into the christian, capitalist theocracy they have always wanted. Even liberal media says, “If they win this election cycle they will do things that would reverse history for 75 years!” But none of that’s going to happen. Just before the U.S. Election a week ago, I…

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  • This is our September round-up in case you missed some of our posts. If you like our unique mix of news and opinions, follow us on Twitter/VenusPlusX, and like our page, Facebook/VenusPlusX. We kept up with many of our key issues with a discussion of how and why police bias is the chief cause of…

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  • Editor’s note: republishing it by popular demand … The New Age of Sexual Freedom is synonymous with the end of sexism and racism (the greatest form of sexual oppression), and the end of nationalism for the purposes of war (the greatest form of racism), in the shortest amount of time (because we are killing each other).   One of our…

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  • The primary reason we created VenusPlusX a few years ago was to establish a repository of our solutions for freeing humanity of its many misconceptions about an individual’s direct connection to cosmic technology. It is also the reason we decided to capture the essential premise of our work in book form. Here is another excerpt…

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  • [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] Welcome back to VenusPlusX. As most of you know at the beginning of 2013 Dan set off suddenly and unexpectedly for the hereafter (Wikipedia, The Advocate, Huffington Post). We had just finished our jointly authored book about the erotic connection to spirituality. It’s working title is The Unseen Journey, and we hope to publish it…

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