The Sexual Freedom Project: Porn Education

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Is there such a thing as good porn and bad porn? What about hetero-male-produced porn vs women-, LGBT- amateur-produced porn which is just as enticing? Will universal replete sex ed in our schools change the face of the male-dominated porn industry, which mostly objectifies and exploits women?

Leave a comment and let us know what you think or make your own video or blog to share. We will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt or slap bracelet to thank you.

Video edited by Tiye Massey.

The Sexual Freedom Project: Institutions for the Privileged

(También en Español)

The Occupiers all over the world are calling out this same point. Can you relate any efforts you, or organizations you work with, in breaking throughout manmade institutions that have created laws, moral customs aimed solely at benefiting the privileged at the extent of the majority?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video edited by Tiye Massey.

Arizona bill declares women pregnant two weeks before conception

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News of Note: Arizona bill declares women pregnant two weeks before conception

A new bill up for vote in the state of Arizona would ban abortions for some expectant mothers, but that’s only the start of what lawmakers have in store. If the legislation passes, the state will consider a child to exist even before conception.

Under Arizona’s H.B. 2036, the state would recognize the start of the unborn child’s life to be the first day of its mother’s last menstrual period. The legislation is being proposed so that lawmakers can outlaw abortions on fetuses past the age of 20-weeks, but the verbiage its authors use to construct a time cycle for the baby would mean that the start of the child’s life could very well occur up to two weeks before the mother and father even ponder procreating.

On page eight of the proposed amendment to H.B. 2036, lawmakers lay out the “gestational age” of the child to be “calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman,” and from there, outlaws abortion “if the probable gestational age of [the] unborn child has been determined to be at least twenty weeks.”

Conception before a couple even decides to have sex? You can’t declare something has happened before it has happened, much less make that into a law.

I’m getting really tired of seeing these religiously founded ideologies masquerading as unbiased ethical issues. If you think an embryo, zygote, or fetus should have the same rights as yourself, whatever your rationale, it’s subjective and should have absolutely no place in the law books. Punishing non-religious women because you believe their embryos have souls is unfair, unfounded, and intrusive. When are we going to pass some laws that identify and prevent religiously motivated legislature from even making it this far?

Creative Commons image by: Craig Larsen

The Sexual Freedom Project: Sacred Whores

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Do you have your own examples of the dichotomy caused by media reflection of consumers’ desires and the (some-say-waning) influence of organized religion?

Send in your own contribution on this subject via video, essay or short blog, or even a work of art, and we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.

Anonymous hacks Chinese websites

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News of Note: Anonymous hacks Chinese websites

Messages by the international hacking group Anonymous went up on a number of Chinese government websites on Thursday to protest internet restrictions.

On a Twitter account established in late March, Anonymous China listed the websites it said it had hacked over the last several days. They included government bureaus in several Chinese cities, including in Chengdu, a provincial capital in southwest China.

Some of the sites were still blocked on Thursday, with English-language messages shown on how to circumvent government restrictions. In a message left on one of the hacked Chinese sites,, a home page for Chengdu’s business district, the hackers expressed anger with the Chinese government for restrictions placed on the internet.

“Dear Chinese government, you are not infallible, today websites are hacked, tomorrow it will be your vile regime that will fall,” the message read. “So expect us because we do not forgive, never. What you are doing today to your Great People, tomorrow will be inflicted to you,” one of the messages read.

Fighting government censorship by telling the Chinese public how to circumvent their internet firewall, well done Anonymous! It’s worth mentioning that while the article says the hacks were only done in English, that isn’t completely the case. As you can see here, the messages were also displayed in Chinese.

With governments and copyright holders struggling to prolong their grasp on public information, we must continue to fight an endless stream of SOPA-esque (Stop Online Piracy Act) bills. This is just another example of how connectivity and access to information is gradually moving our whole planet towards a more liberated and honest future. Are you ready for a world without barriers?

The Sexual Freedom Project: Still Learning

 (También en Español)

What were your sex education experiences at home, school, or elsewhere? Let us know. What were the benefits or how did if fall short? How did you sex education influence how your dealt with your own personal sexuality?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.

UK Surveillance: New powers to record every phone call and email

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News of Note: New powers to record every phone call and email makes surveillance ’60m times worse’

The proposals, to be unveiled in the Queen’s Speech, will see a huge expansion in the amount of data communication providers are required to keep for at least a year.

It will allow the police and intelligence officers to monitor who someone is in contact with or websites they visit, although the content of such communications will not be accessed.

Mr Davis said: “What this does is make (existing problems) 60 million times worse. The simple truth is that this is not necessary. What’s proposed here is completely unfettered access to every single communication you make.

England is fairly notorious for mass surveillance and unlike the American Patriot Act, they’re hardly trying to slip this in the back door.

We are literally moving into the dystopian future of our worst nightmares, where all of our private emails, phone calls, and internet activity is recorded and available to law enforcement. Not only is this a monumental loss of privacy, think of how much raw power this turns over to the government.

The motivations for increased surveillance of otherwise law-abiding citizens may have begun because of increased terrorism but when government uses that as the only excuse to watch everything you do it annihilates freedom, a too heavy price to pay.

Creative Commons image by: jonathan mcintosh

The Sexual Freedom Project: Overcoming Sexual Violence with Sexual Healing

(También en Español)

Do you agree that someone can overcome a history of sexual violence by embracing their own, perhaps transformed, sexuality?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video edited by Tiye Massey.

The Sexual Freedom Project: Meaningless Language

(También en Español)

Can legislators be educated? Many have no personal experience with transgender and gender non-conforming folks, and the language they use, even when trying to pass bills to end discrimination, inevitably focus only on dress and appearance rather than the reality of discrimination in jobs, housing, and access to healthcare, for example.

Are you involved in policy and political work (or think you would like to) and able to share your knowledge and experiences with us?

If we feature your contribution (your video, poem, essay, short blog, etc.) we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.

The Sexual Freedom Project: Abuse and the Collective Group

(También en Español)

We really want to know if you agree that the collective group owes acknowledgement and active support to those among us who have suffered early abuse?

Can and will we advocate for many gender-nonconforming people especially who suffered abuse as children, as well as the children that are suffering today, right now?

Weigh in on this often hotly debated topic: Yes, no, or maybe under certain conditions or in certain ways and not other ways?

Make your own video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video edited by Tiye Massey.