

  • by Emily Brooks and Heather Kangas “I can’t even show my face in this photo. I can and will be legally fired with no legal recourse. I am Transgender. I am the 99%.” – Submitted by an anonymous transgender individual to the “We are the 99%” blog. Occupy Wall Street has exposed discontent with global…

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  • Williams Institute, DC Hate Crimes Hearing, Think Progress/lgbt, OLB Research, The Trans Women’s Anti-Violence Project, plus  We have long been grateful to the Williams Institute, a University of California Los Angeles think tank advancing sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. In DC we are particularly indebted to the Institute for its involvement…

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  • Last weekend (10/15-16/2011) it was my pleasure to attend Singularity Summit 2011, an event presented annually by the Singularity Institute since 2006. As much as Arse Elektronika celebrated the freedom of citizen science and engineering in pursuit of more fun and joy for everybody, so Singularity Summit celebrated actual and potential financial success and public…

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  • Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival.  Dalai Lama The other evening I received an email inviting me to meet the man commonly refered to as the ‘Desmond Tutu’ of Uganda – Bishop…

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  • We are expanding with our retooled website to fulfill VenusPlusX’s mission to help usher in “The New Age of Sexual Freedom” – a world free from the global culture of racial, sexual, and gender oppression and violence driven by governments, religions, corporations, and social custom. We aim to do that with the site’s new utilities and…

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  • Visitors! Let us know what you think of our expansion to fulfill VenusPlusX’s mission to help usher in “The New Age of Sexual Freedom” – a world free from the global culture of racial, sexual, and gender oppression and violence driven by governments, religions, commerce, and social customs We aim to do that through multiple…

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  • 10/21/11 UK: Black children perform poorly at school because ‘academic success is seen as gay’ Jessica Geen African-Caribbean children perform poorly at school because doing well is perceived as ‘gay’ or ‘feminine’, the head of the Jamaican Teachers Association has said. 10/21/11 Canada: Openly gay teen who killed himself was bullied, dad says Jessica Geen …

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  • Just thought I’d let everyone know that we have been working hard all summer to develop campaigns and initiatives to help usher in “The New Age of Sexual Freedom” – a world free from the global culture of racial, sexual, and gender oppression and violence  currently supported by governments, religions, commerce, and social customs. In…

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  • For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español “I think when one sees something true and beautiful, one wants to tell people about it, out of affection, out of compassion, out of love. … Can you ask the flower why it grows, why it has perfume? It is for the same reason the speaker talks.”…

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  • For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español Depending on how you space it, VenusPlusX or Venus Plus X, it’s no accident that you may have stumbled over a novel by Theodore Sturgeon of the same name. Since first reading Venus Plus X in 1960, it has invoked a strong resonance with my own inner…

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