


  • On Monday, we wrote our analysis of the disastrous 5-4 Supreme Court decision in Burwell v Hobby Lobby, which gives greater religious freedom rights to closely held for-profit corporations and less religious freedom rights to natural persons (their words). We also urged you to express your dissent by signing on on to support Planned Parenthood in its defends…

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  • UN Human Rights Council Adopts Non-Inclusive Protection of the Family Resolution “It should not be up to an accidental majority of states to define what does and what does not constitute a family. I urge all states to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of all individual members belonging to all different types of…

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  • [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”″ pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] We’re talking another look at this Sexual Freedom Project video in light of our recent post, “Voluntary sex work is destined to evolve into a legitimate Sexual Healing Industry.” Regardless of what money exchanges whose hands, sex work is a legitimate part of our culture in that it is, with the exception…

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  • Last week, we lamented the flagrant hypocrisy of newly appointed Boy Scouts President, Robert Gates (former Bush and Obama Defense Secretary) in failing to step up to resolve the organization’s dislocation when it comes to accepting gay scoutmasters. Last year, after public pressure, the Boy Scouts finally reversed a century of discrimination against gay people with a…

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  • [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] Have you ever been discriminated against or made to feel like an outcast because of your sexual beliefs, practices, or orientation? Are there certain cities or countries in which you feel more welcome to talk about or exercise your sexual freedom? If you felt like you didn’t fit in because of your…

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  • También en Español Why do you think discrimination remains so prevalent within our LGBTQ activist community? Join The Sexual Freedom Project cast with your own video or essay (via, and we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you. More videos here. Video edited by Tiye Massey.

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  • También en español Delhi Charter School, in Louisiana, has a Student Pregnancy Policy that allows staff to force female students who are suspected of being pregnant to take a pregnancy test. If students are pregnant or refuse to take the test, they are kicked out and must undergo home schooling if they want to continue…

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  • “I just went down the hall and discussed it with the bishop,” Sullivan wrote to the broker, according to the Telegram. “Because of the potentiality of gay marriages there, something you shared with us yesterday, we are not interested in going forward with these buyers. I think they’re shaky anyway. So, just tell them that…

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  • News of Note: Kentucky church bans interracial couples “A small church in Pike County, Kentucky has voted to ban interracial couples from most church activities “to promote greater unity among the church body… “Parties of such marriages will not be received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions,…

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