


  • As we reported last week, tomorrow, November 1, kicks off “Beyond Extreme Energy Week of Action” in Washington, DC, and cities across the United States and abroad, and we hope you will somehow participate in or otherwise support these efforts. Did you know that the U.S. government is the largest energy user at $25 billion per…

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  • (También en Español) [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] What stands in the way of your sexual freedom? We want to know! Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you…

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  • No matter how you look at it, there’s something wrong when a rape victim is threatened with fines and jail time for speaking out about her horrible experience. Not only had Savannah Dietrich  endured the hardship brought upon her by attackers, but she now faces a $500 fine and up to 6 months in jail.…

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  • También En Español. Which will you choose for 2012? Will you commit yourself to the power and supremacy of love? Will you check yourself to make sure your actions are “of love?” Are you willing to call out those who are not-of love? The stark realities and compounding errors of the feckless conspiracy of the…

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  • (También en Español) [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] Do you agree that many obstacles to sexual freedom are due to lack of support from religion, government, corporations, etc., particularly affecting youth? Is the LGBT community itself doing enough to transcend these obstacles? Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an…

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  • [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] Why isn’t everyone equal before the law? Why are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people subjected to a level of discrimination on the basis of the sexual orientation and/or gender identity that heterosexual people don’t have to worry about? Why does a transgender woman walking through a park have to fear being…

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  • [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] We were really impressed with this video which brings into sharp relief some of the dissonance and hypocrisy of American politicians’ sweeping calls for democracy and equality abroad, through the UN, in the US Congress, and from the White House. They take seriously the populist rebellions in repressive foreign nations, at least…

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