


  • How Do We Respond to This Really Horrible Day? “It’s too late to reverse the death and destruction, but it’s never too early to advocate for peace and life.” — Paul Brandeis Raushenbush Just 3 days ago, believing things are getting worse at a faster pace than ever before, we revisited Where Does of All This F*cking…

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  • Transhumanism has a very simple definition, so you may be a transhuman without realizing it: Transhumans translate their ideal visions of what the world can become into actions they can accomplish in the here and now. For example, transhumans envisioned new technology for driverless cars, decades ago. What was once considered fanciful is now recognized…

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  • Here is small clip* from A Course in Immortality, (en espanol, Un Curso En Inmortalidad), written as an Appendix for our upcoming book, The Unseen Journey (working title), about the erotic connection to cosmic technology. The Course’s complete table of contents can be found here. Tell us what you think either by commenting here or on Facebook/VenusPlusX or by private email…

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  •   This is the third installment about Giulio Prisco’s upcoming book entitled, tentatively, Tales of The Turing Church. A draft of his chapter, “Sex and the Art of Cosmic Governance,” that includes recollections of his many interactions with VenusPlusX Co-founder Dan Massey.  Part 1 included an excerpt from Dan’s talk at the Transvision conference where we met Giulio for…

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  • This is the second installment about Giulio Prisco’s upcoming book entitled, tentatively, Tales of The Turing Church. A draft of his chapter, “Sex and the Art of Cosmic Governance,” that includes recollections of his many interactions with VenusPlusX Co-founder Dan Massey.  Part 1 included an excerpt from Dan’s talk at the Transvision conference where we met Giulio for…

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  • Our dear friend, Giulio Prisco, is writing a book entitled, tentatively, Tales of The Turing Church, and sent us this draft chapter, “Sex and the Art of Cosmic Governance,” that includes recollections of his many interactions with VenusPlusX Co-founder Dan Massey. (This post continues in Part 2 and Part 3.)   Giulio is a physicist and computer scientist, and…

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