


  • This amazing map, developed by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Organization, portrays, as of May 2012, the status of critical LGBT protections and persecutions world wide. We hope all people interested in international issues will examine it and understand where progress is being made and where horrible persecution and enforced neglect endure.…

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  • (También en Español) [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] In today’s video, we meet several young women at Dupont Circle in Washington, DC who have strong feelings about owning vibrators, judgmental people, religious institutions, and shockingly old fashioned ideas. What’s your opinion? Can one ever really own too many vibrators? Should marriage be denied to people because of…

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  • (También en Español) News of Note: Santorum backs nullifying existing gay marriages There are 18,000 married gay and lesbian couples in California and at least 131,000 nationwide according to the 2010 census, conducted before New York state legalized same-sex marriage in July. Rick Santorum says he’ll try to unmarry all of them if he’s elected…

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  • (También en Español) News of Note: Gay Texas judge won’t marry straight couples Tonya Parker, an African-American lesbian judge in Texas, refuses to marry straight couples until everyone in the state has the right to marry. Turning away would-be newlyweds is “my opportunity to give them a lesson about marriage inequality in this state,” Parker…

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  • (También en Español) News of Note: New Hampshire Lawmaker Urges Married Couples To Practice Abstinence A New Hampshire lawmaker with a history of surprising statements suggested on Thursday that married couples who want to use contraception should practice abstinence instead of using birth control pills State Rep. Lynne Blankenbeker (R-Concord) made the claim — noting…

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