

People’s Climate March

  • This is our September round-up in case you missed some of our posts. If you like our unique mix of news and opinions, follow us on Twitter/VenusPlusX, and like our page, Facebook/VenusPlusX. We kept up with many of our key issues with a discussion of how and why police bias is the chief cause of…

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  • Stop, hey, what’s that sound? Everybody look. What’s goin’ down? (“What It’s Worth” chorus, 1966, lyrics or listen) This song was written in 1966 by Stephen Stills of Crosby, Sills, & Nash fame. They recorded it and performed it thousands of times although it was first performed by Buffalo Springfield that year. The song quickly became an…

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  •   Naysayers who think that big marches don’t bring about real change fail to understand there is a pluralistic revolution already underway that will change the world whether they like it or not, divesting the world away from corporate rape of the world’s natural resources. (9/22/14) We have had time now to fully appreciate the impact of Sunday’s unprecedented People’s…

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  • . . . [T]he largest rally for an environmental cause in US history is happening this Sunday, September 21, in Manhattan. More than 100,000 people are planning to join a historic march for climate action two days before President Obama and world leaders attend a Climate Summit at the United Nations. (The Nation’s “The People’s…

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