

Supreme Court

  • By everyone’s estimation, last week was bad, in fact we are having many bad weeks piling up for sometime now. But, these horrible events distract us from all the good that is emerging at the same time. It’s not Pollyanna-like to see that this cauldron of world-wide strife is now bubbling over for all to…

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  • A few years ago around July 4, we wrote about the fallacy of the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in the Citizen’s United v Federal Communications Commission case opened the door to giving personal rights to corporations by prohibiting the government from restricting political expenditures. These same fallacies underpin the recent ruling in Burwell v Hobby Lobby …

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  • On Monday, we wrote our analysis of the disastrous 5-4 Supreme Court decision in Burwell v Hobby Lobby, which gives greater religious freedom rights to closely held for-profit corporations and less religious freedom rights to natural persons (their words). We also urged you to express your dissent by signing on on to support Planned Parenthood in its defends…

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  • It is unbelievable that in 2014 we are still fighting about women’s access to basic health care like birth control. If you agree — say so. Just click here now to add your name to the dissent. — Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood In a dramatic 5-4 decision along ideological lines, the Supreme Court today chose to…

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  • It was painful last week to hear the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court in McCullen v Coakley, siding with abortion protesters’ free speech right to engage women face-to face in the public square and against those advocating for clinics’ privacy and public safety in consideration of the violence, bombings, and cold-blooded murder that beset…

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  • “In the Potemkin justice of the Roberts court, the right to vote is under attack, while the power to buy elections is sanctified by law. Corporations are called people under a faux doctrine of free speech, while women are denied standing to combat discrimination.” – Brent Budowsky Editorial from The Hill, April 9, 2014.     Most of us came of age…

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  • “Five conservative Republican men serving on the Supreme Court, led by a chief justice who has violated 200 years of judicial precedent, despite pledging under oath during his confirmation hearings to respect judicial precedent, are waging a legal war of mass destruction against core principles of American democracy . . .” — Brent Budowsky Editorial from…

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  • Congressional Clarity: Americans United, Allies Deliver Briefing on Hobby Lobby Suit “Should the Supreme Court rule in favor of Hobby Lobby, employers would be able to privilege their religious convictions over their employees’ – something we consider to be an egregious distortion of the principle of religious liberty” — Litigation Counsel, Greg Lipper, Americans United for…

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