


  • For more on Terasem… At the finality of destiny, the Omega Point in which all that ever could be is perfectly integrated and correlated, there exists a personal being of will, which we name “Terasem.” What can we say is necessarily true of Terasem, required by its unique qualities throughout space and time? Human allegiance to…

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  • For more on Terasem… Editors Note: The purpose of this post is to open a public transhumanist discussion of the Transreligion known as Terasem, which exists today as a complex network of associated enterprises developed by its founders to support certain personally held ideals through voluntary association, on-line conferencing, film, journalling, mindfiling, cryonic preservation, experimental yoga,…

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  • For more on Terasem… Today VenusPlusX launches a new category of discussion—Transreligion. This brings into focus a topic we have occasionally touched on in the past in our posts such as Do You Believe in Fate? I Believe in Destiny!, Can Atheism be True, Good, Beautiful, and Loving?, Can I Transition to be a Transhuman?, Where Did All This F*cking…

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  • TERASEM ISLAND CONFERENCE CENTER, SECOND LIFE JULY 20, 2012           1PM – 4PM EDT This year’s workshop theme: PRINCIPLES OF GEOETHICS & THEIR APPLICATION TO LIFE-SAVING NANOTECHNOLOGY WHAT: The workshop is an exchange of scholarly views regarding the varied applications to life- saving nanotechnologies, including the impact of its use on others, the accessibility of it…

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