


  • Dear Martin

    Dear Martin . . . How happy I am today to see the next generation fully embrace the ideals that identified your short life: the end of poverty, racism, and war, precepts to which I have continued to dedicate my life. With numerous conferences and forums throughout your birthday weekend, before and after, your mass of followers…

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  • The far right believes they have a chance to remake the world into the christian, capitalist theocracy they have always wanted. Even liberal media says, “If they win this election cycle they will do things that would reverse history for 75 years!” But none of that’s going to happen. Just before the U.S. Election a week ago, I…

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  • “Everybody has heard the women’s stories. But nobody has heard the men’s,” says Stewart M. Patrick, a senior fellow at the DC-based, non-partisan think tank The Council on Foreign Relations, writing for The Internationalist. His recent report was widely circulated this summer on the startling 22% of males and 30% of females who have been sexually assaulted as…

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  • For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español Check out Terence McKenna’a “Culture is Not Your Friend” on YouTube for a quick overview on the subject of this post. From cradle to grave, most of us fail to realize how comprehensively devoid of truth many fundamental precepts of “modern society” actually are. People are always…

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  • For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… When I was growing up in Chattanooga in the 50s, I somehow acquired the belief that the United States of America was the best country in which to be born and live. I gave thanks to my god of the day I had been born an American, and wondered at…

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