

Terms of Use/Release for Submitted Materials (Stories, Videos, Poetry, Comments, Credited Artwork, Etc.)

Your original artwork or poetry (for which you retain all rights and which we will not use anywhere other than publishing on our site) are subject to these Terms of Use.

For all other  stories, videos, comments, or other materials (“Materials”), your electronic submittal of your Material/s grants to VenusPlusX all rights to publish and re-publish those Materials in any format or context, printed, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part , with any editing, as well as the right to record your picture and/or voice on film and/or videotape, for audio only, audio and visual, visual reproduction only, and/or textual transcription, the right to edit the recording into a film/video program (that may include other recordings and material), the right to screen and broadcast or otherwise distribute the recording in VenusPlusX programs, and the right to use and to license others to use the recording in all media throughout the world including for the purposes of publicity, advertising, sales and promotion of the program(s).

By submitting Materials you release VenusPlusX from any and all liability and agree to hold them and their staff, directors, and associates harmless from any infringement or violation of personal and/or property rights of any sort based upon the use of the Materials. You warrant that you are over 18 years of age and have full power and legal authority to enter into this release, and that the terms of this release do not in any way conflict with any existing commitment on your part.

Reference to Materials in this release includes any and all edited versions made by and, further, includes any previously recorded Material of you made by