In providing perspective on The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013, we’ve looked at some of the obstacles ahead, and took a closer look at two of the 200+ countries discussed in the Report. It’s hard to fathom the instances of discrimination that we aren’t aware of, but one thing is clear: The fight for freedom is something that must take place worldwide with people of all types and nationalities participating simultaneously.
It is good to see the United States paying attention to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) issues, but is that enough? Many of the countries listed in the Report (such as Afghanistan) have seen military intervention from the United States, making the state of sexual freedom even worse. Are we wrong to be suspicious of the US government’s ulterior and imperialistic motives when it comes their advocacy on behalf of sexual freedom?
So where are we? So far we have we have established what problems we face, but what can we actually do?
The first step is to recognize your power as an individual. Embody the characteristics that you want to see in the world. Get involved and take charge. We can only predict the future by creating it — a brighter future for all, for our children, and their children and future generations. The world does not change for the better without individuals who are unafraid and willing to step up. Are you one of those people who will stand in solidarity against discrimination, here and abroad? Make yourself heard. Find your outlets and use them, whether writing, rallying, protesting — all non-violent methods of expression. Seek out like-minded individuals and find your strength in numbers.
The human mind is a dangerous weapon, but it is also the greatest tool there is. Through dialogue we can tweak and fix the errors in the human psyche — lack of empathy, hate, and countless other mental diseases, not just in places like Uganda, but in the U.S. as well. Whatever the cause of your reluctance, you must ask yourself whether it is worth considering against the battle for freedom.