“There’s a very strong outperformance of companies that have women in management, particularly in operational roles,” said Stefano Natella, Credit Suisse’s global head of equity research.
My very well-connected friend in Washington, DC, often says he knows the cure for all the ills in the world, from wars and racism and the economy to sexism and the environment, and on and on. My friend says, “Just replace all the men currently in power with women.” I think he is tapping into something very important, and this recent report by Credit Suisse just underscores why women bring a special point of view to every problem and challenge, something most men fail over and over again to fully appreciate.

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Countries across the world who put women in power are able to reverse negative trends, in government, corporations, religious hierarchies, and local communities. Witnesses to history assert that the United States Congress is being transformed with election of more women. Someday soon we will have the first female president who will be capable of looking at the bigger picture that has largely been ignored by men, especially in such key areas as war and social welfare. Women focus on long-term, substantive, and sustainable changes, and don’t allow short-term discomfort to sway them from their goals.
Men, in general, are logic-driven, and women, in general, are intuition-driven. When logical men adapt to encompass all parts of their humanity, including their intuition, it leads to feminist thinking, the key to changing the world for the better. When intuitive women become more logical about applying their insights to the world around them, they are unstoppable.
A wise person once exclaimed, “The hand that rocks the cradle fraternizes with destiny.” What I get from that statement is that women’s biological destiny as mothers (whether or not they every choose to give birth) brings them closer to the essence of life and therefore the essence of each situation, bringing a mental clarity that sometimes is a complete mystery to men.
The liberation of women worldwide, enabling them to escape the repressive bonds imposed by men through the ages, is inevitable. It will heal humanity and bring about a new and more effective world order.
Related: Salutes!, Can A Man Be A Feminist?