A hypocrite the Boy Scouts can love

New Boy Scouts President Robert Gates: ‘I Would Have Supported Having Gay Scoutmasters’

Despite media to the contrary, Robert Gates, the Bush and Obama Administration, Defense Secretary, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans) insiders didn’t view him as a true friend helping to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”. He had no problem accepting any and all kudos that may have come his way, however. By now mention of active duty troops and veterans who had to endure nearly 3 extra years of discrimination under Gates, until he finally relented and put a freeze on dismissals. has been dutifully scrubbed from his biography.

But Gates’s latest demonstration of his underlying hypocrisy is revealed by his first public address as the newly appointed President of the Boy Scouts. He actually said . . .

Robert Gates (WikiCommons)

Robert Gates

A year ago, this meeting saw a respectful and civil debate over membership policy. In a democratic process, a strong majority of the volunteer leadership of this movement from all across the nation voted to welcome gay youth into scouting. In all candor, I would have supported going further, as I did in opening the way for gays to serve in CIA and in the military. […]

[…] Given the strong feelings — the passion — involved on both sides of this matter, I believe strongly that to re-open the membership issue or try to take last year’s decision to the next step would irreparably fracture or perhaps even provoke a formal, permanent split in this movement — with the high likelihood neither side would subsequently survive on its own. That is just a fact of life, and who would pay the price for destroying the Boy Scouts of America? Millions of scouts today and scouts yet unborn. We must always put the kids and their interests first. Thus, during my time as president, I will oppose any effort to re-open this issue.


This is a classic, really. Few profiles in public cowardice are so flagrant. It is glaringly obvious now: he was hired exactly because he wouldn’t bring needed change. Due to public pressure, the Boy Scouts had to reverse its discriminatory practice of throwing out young boys because they were gay. The next obvious step was to stop discriminating against scout leaders (often former scouts themselves) by throwing them out because they were gay.

A May 2013 ABC poll found that 56 percent of Americans oppose the organization’s “intention to continue to ban gay adults.”

By not taking this step, the Scouts are further discriminating against gay youth by demonstrating, in fact, that being gay is a bad thing, and that these young gay Scouts shouldn’t need positive adult role models, who happen to be gay. Hypocrisy writ large that will endure through Boy Scout President Gates 2-year term unless we ramp up pressure and right this wrong.

If you can, support and work with organizations such as Scouts for Equality, who, along with more than 1.8 million petition signers have called on the Boy Scouts to end its anti-LGBT practices.



The Sexual Freedom Project: The Weight of Tradition

(También en Español)

What does repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the US military mean to you? To society-at-large? Now lesbian and gay soldiers can serve openly, but what about transgender soldiers as well? Why have lawmakers and the media paid more attention to homophobia to the exclusion of transphobia? How big a role do you think weight of tradition plays in restricting sexual freedom? Can cultural taboos change? How can parents, teachers, and community leaders help create new traditions that allow all of us to be more expressive of who we are?

Your input is needed! Please write to us, make us a short video, create an original work of art, a poem, or a song, and let us know your thoughts about how we can move closer to sexual freedom for all of us. If we feature your thoughts on our site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt.

Video by Tiye Massey.

The Sexual Freedom Project: Former US Air Force Female Soldier

(También en Español)

Though the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was a giant step forward, the fact remains that there is still a long way to go in terms of equal rights in the military for women, in the gay community, and especially in the trans community. How do you feel about transgender Americans being excluded from the DADT repeal?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.

The Sexual Freedom Project: Telling my dad that I am gay-LIVE

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell takes effect this week, so we are sharing this viral video that’s reached TV and over 3 million people on YouTube. An active service member calls his Dad in Alabama from where he’s stationed in Germany to tell him he’s gay, and his father responded in a way that’s been very moving.

What’s your coming out story? And what were the reactions of your families and friends? Every coming out is its own revolutionary act, and some people say they come out to a further degree on a daily basis.

Are you in the military now and seeing the effects of DADT repeal?

What are the factors that make coming out easy or hard?

Make your voice heard. Make a comment, or for a free VenusPlusX t-shirt celebrating sexual freedom, send us your own video, or send us a poem or essay or work of art. free