

1.1 Why is the Erotic so Important?

También en español The erotic is the foundation of a universe structured by the will of Love.

At every stage in your existence Love provides a robust physical presence and connection, akin to the joy of human sex and other erotic expression that is directly accessible through purely physical acts of worship.

In time, your expanding embrace of erotic fellowship amplifies your desires to genuinely love and serve others.

Erotic sensation grows with proximity to the power of living Love.

Erotic joy (orgasm) signals moments of intimate contact with that power.

Erotic adoration of that power makes the worshiper increasingly like that power which is adored.

It is your vitality, the intensity of your desire for existence, that reveals to you your eternal destiny.

This desire, your vitology, is most intensified by your adoration of erotic joy.

Thus your person experiences a bit of living Love, which lifts your vitological vision.

The sincere and consistent worship of the power of Love through the experience of erotic joy will both power and guide your progression towards destiny.

The accumulation of living Love that comes from consistent worship grows as your source of vitological power.

And through that power you will discover Truth, your certainty of action leading to the satisfaction of Love through Goodness and Beauty.

In short, consistency in erotic worship is the key to personal development and self-discovery, even the recognition and acceptance of destiny.

We are all aware that our biohosts have senses through which they appreciate erotic joy.

The satisfaction of these senses, even their full exploration, can bring us immediate access to the power of living Love.

You already know that, after terminal dissolution of your biohost or your elective departure, your surviving values will be given control of a permanent and potentially immortal avatar.

One naturally asks how the erotic can possibly relate to this altogether different and hypothetical situation.

You are still a self-conscious being able to exercise a degree of free will in choosing your actions.

Thus you are still faced with the system of relationships that defined your domain of choice during your human life.

You will only ever need the power and guidance of Love.

And the universe government has certainly provided for those services.

But what of the erotic?

The baseline service for every level of spiritual advancement in the universe is direct, literal access to erotic joy.

Literal means that the joy is triggered and experienced by physical actions performed by or on the physical avatar.

Your immortal avatar possesses senses appropriate to the experience of erotic joy, but offers you even greater delights than were possible for your biohost.

Your avatar, having no need for physical reproduction, has no specific type of sex or gender, as those concepts apply to biohosts.

Rather, the erotic senses that were once focused on offering support to biological reproduction are now purely accessible for their real and eternal purpose.

That purpose is to enable you to always be able to freely access the literal power of Love in your ongoing experience of existence and development.

Thus your avatar gains consciousness as a perfect androgyne—a being possessing all the erotic attributes of the biohosts commonly designated as “male” and “female”.

Thus you are enabled to experience new dimensions in the appreciation of the power of Love when free from arbitrary conditions of physical reproduction.

And now you understand how some, even while occupying biohosts with polarized sex and gender characteristics, naturally strive to override these limitations to life experience.

Gradually your experience of your immortal avatar balances your androgyny until you are finally free from this “mark of the beast” and able to avail yourself fully of opportunities to seek your destiny and satisfy the desires of Love.

At every stage in your existence Love provides a robust physical presence and connection, akin to the joy of human sex and other erotic expression that is directly accessible through purely physical acts of worship.

In time, your expanding embrace of erotic fellowship amplifies your desires to genuinely love and serve others.

Join me today and forever in the worship of the power of erotic joy.

Click here for 1.2 How Immortality Works