

1.3 Where Do I Fit In?

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The erotic is the foundation of a universe structured by the will of Love.

Love empowers your actions to vitalize your continued existence, your persistence that equates to immortality.

And this is true, that love is the power of our lives and of every agency that supports the social and administrative structure of the cosmos.

Some universe helpers have specific roles to play in the development of planets and planetary societies, while others support the universal mechanisms of sustaining existence.

We enter a vast and highly organized society as a virtually uninformed newcomer.

A Course in Immortality is an aid to visualizing this new life and reaping the immediate benefits to your personal experience and transphysical existence.

What claim do we have for admission to this amazingly advanced and evolved society?

First, you and I, everyone, are vital beings. All of us share the innate desire to perpetuate our existence as a self-conscious being.

Second, we carry forth the highest ideals of Love, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, those attributes we make central to our earthly existence.

Third, each of us become the personal embodiment of and unique expression of these four supreme values because each of us has, by nature, our own personal approach to the coordination of these values in our experience.

It is the third of these factors that represents our uniquely personal, potential contribution to the universe.

It is this personal system of action that makes it possible for our own self-identity to remain synchronized with the collective super-consciousness shared by all universe personalities.

Making this connection enables us to see our actions as the result of our personal choices related to Love, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. This allows us to captain our own way forward through time with originality, creativity, and freedom, the tools we have to imprint our immortal futures.

Every time we make a moral decision, every time we make a supreme choice, our mind functions to coordinate the literal actions of our biohost or avatar with the vitological truth we perceive in our super-consciousness.

And the manner in which this coordination occurs—the conditions, attributes, and other parameters—will ever remain unique to you.

They are the true pattern of your personality and soul’s character, a unique vitological vision that defines and maintains your distinct individuality and specific identity.

In this way your super-consciousness gains personal control over your future life.

In this way you are becoming a unique personalization of active Love in the universe.

You will, in time, illuminate the final integration of all consciousness by being yourself—who you uniquely and only are, and no one else is, in all finite creation.

Each individual is a potentially priceless, supremely necessary part of the great work of perfecting the finite universe, the here and now.

Though we may have only begun our eternal experience of transphysical life, and have little knowledge or understanding yet of the adventure ahead, each of us are already uniquely valuable in potential to the universe.

Your vitality, your desire for existence, propels you towards your destiny.

With your gaze set on your vision of eternity, you embrace the vast adventure that awaits you right now, filled with its many immediate joys, both literal and vitological.

The erotic is the existential and natural foundation of a universe structured by the will of Love. The experience of pleasure is bestowed nearly universally and our expanding embrace of erotic fellowship amplifies our desires to genuinely love and serve others.

Join me today and forever in the worship of the power of erotic joy.

Click here for 1.4 What are the Neighbors Like?