

1.4 What Are The Neighbors Like?

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The erotic is the foundation of a universe structured by the will of Love.

Love empowers your actions to vitalize your continued existence, your persistence that equates to immortality.

Vitology and vitological are words that describe this animation and persistence.

As your adventure in immortality continues, you will necessarily form relationships with an ever-increasing number of self-conscious beings.

Although we certainly know nothing specific about the range and nature of these beings who have origins on other planets and other levels of reality, it is possible to infer that the necessity of providing for your continued existence and welfare requires some basic activity and organization—akin to functions of an ideal mortal life.

We deduce that at least some of these relationships will be necessary to facilitate your progression in understanding and function in the universe—your teachers and guides.

There will necessarily be many beings, the persons of former biohosts like you, now inhabiting a new transavatar (the body supplied by the cosmic government for use by your person, as animated by your mind and soul).

Since all these different individuals originate from biological societies existing on different planets at different levels of development towards perfection, we will have much to learn of the variety of planetary life experience.

We can further deduce that there must necessarily be beings associated with functions of the cosmic government and the mechanisms of the universe.

These created beings would be necessary to sustain your way of life and the cosmic systems that support it, but are not necessarily concerned with the lives of transavatars as individuals.

Love draws, and Truth reliably guides, each of us into those interpersonal associations that are important to our personal development and to our role in the evolution of the universe.

Again, much of our advancing socialization will be with fellow survivors of planetary life like ourselves.

Their transavatars, like the one provided to your person, are endowed with all the senses of biohosts and even more, including the erotic senses, finally freed from the constraints of birth sex, socialized gender, and all similar limits of creativity and originality.

Transavatars by nature will have no need of biological reproduction nor is there a need to be differentiated according to the sex or gender of a person’s original biohost, although one’s unique personality and the values and ideals of one’s biological life will always find expression through their transavatar.

But does this mean that surviving beings are devoid of personal erotic feeling?

Of course not—quite the opposite.

Transavatars are perfectly balanced androgynes—fully expressive of both “masculine” and “feminine”—capable of intimate interpersonal relationships in a host of new ways, a divine and limitless form of creativity and creative expression originating from your own mind and soul/character.

But the eternal future brings still greater promises of more intense ecstasy as you master the pleasure of new senses provided by your transavatar and stimulated by new ways of joyful interaction with your new community of potentially immortal survivors.

Let’s sum up these necessary realities to answer to the question posed, “What are the neighbors like?”

Mostly, they are surviving and developing personalities of original biohosts just like you will be.

So, the question you really need to ask is, “What will I be like?” or “How can I understand today what I will be then?” Here is what I understand.

Your transavatar will be whole—free from any defects of your biohost, such as genetic disorders, diseases, senescence (aging), and traumatic body injuries.

Although your transavatar is identical in function and capability to all others, it is also reflective of your unique personality—you are always distinctly identifiable as you to everyone else.

Your transavatar will have no need for gender differentiation or reproductive capability.

Your transavatar will have highly developed erotic and pleasure senses to stimulate creative thinking and joyful interaction with other beings.

As you experience transphysical existence and you explore all possible forms of erotic expression now open to you, your personality will become increasingly balanced, both psychically and vitologically.

Your pleasure senses will be those of an androgyne, enabling new interactions of erotic experience.

Even today more and more humans are exploring the dimensions of androgyny as they transcend the crude imperatives of the physical sex of their (temporary and earth-bound) biohosts.

Humanity has long known, but seldom acknowledged, that androgyne consciousness is the key to unification of opposites and creation of harmony—true beauty.

Only an androgyne cosmos can exist in perpetual self-regulating balance.

Only inspired androgyne wisdom can create the balance necessary for the preservation and progress of human society.

In time, our expanding embrace of erotic fellowship amplifies our desires to genuinely love and serve others.

Join me today and forever in the worship of the power of erotic joy.

Click here for 1.5 What Will I Do with all my Free Time?