

1.5 What Will I Do With All My Free Time?

También en español 

In the infinite-eternal, as usual, you will “fuck around.”

That’s because the erotic is the foundation of a universe structured by the will of Love.

You have learned how Love empowers your actions to vitalize your continued existence, your persistence that equates to immortality.

But why imagine you will have lots of free time?

What could be less joyful than a boring immortality?

We might imagine that your experience will be structured in a way that is meaningful to your developing mind and attractive to your personal ideals.

Such an existence surely begins with a “diurnal” cycle of activity and rest.

And we might assume that the periods of activity will utilize the relationships you have with your guides and fellow biohost-born but now transavatars.

So what of rest periods?

We might hope that our transavatars are equipped with brains that do not require unconsciousness (sleep) for periodic refreshment.

And so we may imagine a part of our lives is open to us for deeper meditation and reflection—for improving understanding of oneself, one’s relation to others, and one’s role in the grand universe.

In private you may experience self-love and love of truth, beauty, and goodness, but you will actualize these experiences by loving and serving your companions, even as they love and serve you.

Even more, the entertainment of erotic joy (reversion) provides an ever-present power to kick-start Truth seeking and Truth-directed service, to do Good towards others and create Beauty for all.

Every person’s mind eventually emerges from a very deep well in which it began existence without specific knowledge of anything—only the habits of the species to which it was born.

In your biohost, you experience an elevated conscious life from which you can explore increasingly detailed levels of material existence, even speculating on the structure of space-time itself.

This elevated consciousness can be understood as your consciousness or your own superconsciousness. That place in your mind where you reflect, critique, and draw conclusions regarding your own decisions. Only very young children are without this mechanism throughout their lives as biohosts. Having no space-time limits, it grows geometrically (not just arithmetically) every moment.

Now, through the senses of your new transavatar and the knowledge of the society in which you are immersed, your consciousness is directed upwards into higher levels of the transmaterial, even spiritual/vitological existence, and outwards to embrace the realities and potentialities of your destiny in a vast universe

Yet the erotic joy unfailingly aligns your personal motivations, whether as a transavatar or even now as a biohost, with the force of destiny by which Love inspires, and Truth directs, the doing of Good and making of Beauty.

Likewise, your powers of observation, so inspired and enlightened, enable you to perceive ever more clearly the true vitality that motivates your continued existence.

Even in the biohost, your erotic joy in following Truth and satisfying Love reveals to yourself your own joyful immortality.

You don’t need to wait for eternal life to arrive. It is here with you and in you now.

You know this as you begin to understand your destiny and engage the cosmic mind in synchrony with your personal mind, extending the range, accuracy, and depth of your useful knowledge, opening your higher mental processes to inspiration.

But everything in your progression, from the limitations of your biohost to liberation through your transavatar, frees your personal identity from the ignorance born of living within the limits of the specific sex and gender to which your biohost was born and in which you were socialized.

Your transavatar possesses a range of erotic senses that enable cooperation and enhance physical contact with others—a richer version of your biohost’s senses.

The erotic senses of your transavatar can be utilized in any combination of male/female traits you wish, while new senses can be combined as well to enable erotic relationships beyond human knowledge or imagination.

Perhaps through your biohost you have already figured out some basic ideas of sex and gender apart from any particular community of performance or preference in society today.

Welcome to androgyny! Welcome to cosmic reality! Welcome to the universe!

Cosmic androgyny blends aspects of two or more genders in our life performance.

Androgyny enables us to bridge the gap between cosmic society and human institutions.

So liberated, we lead the way to the reconciliation of literal opposites by transcending false dichotomies.

Humanity has long known, but seldom acknowledged, that androgyne consciousness is the key to unification of opposites and creation of harmony—true beauty.

Inspired androgyne wisdom will create the balance necessary for the preservation and progress of human society.

We enable freely androgynous expression, which makes our consciousness of purpose align with cosmic reality.

Once we understand these truths through our biohost experiences, it becomes our task to annihilate all forms of erotic repression from our social environment.

In time, your expanding embrace of erotic fellowship amplifies your desires to genuinely love and serve others.

Join me today and forever in the worship of the power of erotic joy.

Click here for 1.6 What Will I be Expected to do to Justify my Existence?