A primitive man who lived in a cave a long, long time ago once abstracted the idea that you can make a living, even a very good living as a shaman. He was largely self-appointed to intercede between and on behalf of other men and the existing natural resources. Most important, he consulted on what actions would be good luck or bad luck for individuals, families, and the tribe. This shaman reaped economic wealth and social advantages for his efforts that supported his own survival. The concept of special interest was born.
Special interest people take something, anything, an idea, a water source, or even an entire industry or government or church, and define it apart from the whole for some measure of personal profit.
Anthropologists or others might argue the value of some of these special interests in building the foundation of today’s technologically-advanced world. It may or may not be true that such an incautious approach that ignored special interests was ever warranted; that’s the past and we can’t change that anyhow. But having arrived at world-wide communication, individuals finally can see the special interests laid bare.
For the first time, people power can be active, no longer passive. Humanity is now looking differently at each of these special interests and deciding what’s worth preserving and building upon, those that chiefly consider and benefit the whole without any thought of personal profit. And which special interest systems are inhumane, coercive, exploitative, enslaving, profiteering and need to be left behind in the pre-technological era, their stories to be told someday just like we look at the shaman’s cave wall drawings.
All that profiteering special interests represent is counter to our survival. Their purpose is no more. There is no future in these scaffolding ideas. Without the pall of special interests all around us we will be able to rescue civilization from the impending climatic disaster brought on by men burning fuels for the last hundred years, repossess all of our human rights, and usher in universal plurality in all decision-making, local and global, otherwise defined as Peace.
Become a part of this revolution today.
Climate Change Dangers Are ‘Higher Than Ever’: UN Report
Full UN Climate Change Report