Cosmic Citizenship
What is the Name of God?
7 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español In his 1953 sci-fi story, The Nine Billion Names of God, Arthur C. Clarke imagined a Tibetan monastery where monks labored ceaselessly to list every permutation of letters in their alphabet and thus to list every possible name of god, fulfilling their destiny and bringing about the end…
Why Trans Life is a Necessary Cosmic Reality
4 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español At the end of the last post I admitted that I certainly cannot prove that this higher level of Transcendent Life (Trans Life) exists beyond Real Live (RL) as RL exists beyond Second Life (SL). If it exists, then there is surely a path of transition from…
Becoming and Being an Avatar—Uploading Salvation
6 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español And so we come, at last, to the true meaning of salvation. It is common to think of this word as meaning escape from mortality, resurrection into an afterlife. Yet this also contains the idea of a personal change to observe a higher set of ideals, so that…
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español In our last post we explained how one can explore the Virtual Reality (VR) of Second Life (SL) as an avatar equipped with a wide range of physical characteristics and surface appearances. We suggested that endowing SL avatars with some form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) would support…
Avatars in Second Life?
5 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español You can refer back to our last post talking about Krishnamurti as an example of two concepts of avatar as they played out in the life of one person. Initially, Krishna was publicly identified as an avatar representing a fixed system of belief, Theosophy. When he renounced this role…
Becoming and Being an Avatar—Choosing the Transhuman
5 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español “I think when one sees something true and beautiful, one wants to tell people about it, out of affection, out of compassion, out of love. … Can you ask the flower why it grows, why it has perfume? It is for the same reason the speaker talks.”…
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… We want to continue an earlier discussion of the fallacies of the decision of the US Supreme Court in the Citizens United case from a viewpoint of pure logic and how it is a subject with which the legal profession as a whole seems quite unfamiliar. The essential error in the decision in that…
Why Has Everyone Lied to Me All My Life?
5 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español Check out Terence McKenna’a “Culture is Not Your Friend” on YouTube for a quick overview on the subject of this post. From cradle to grave, most of us fail to realize how comprehensively devoid of truth many fundamental precepts of “modern society” actually are. People are always…
What Happens When Atheists Pray?
4 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… A lot of people seem to think that, by believing in the myths of a religion, they will acquire some sort of privilege above all other people—they can become those chosen by their god to impose his will on the world around them. In return for their dedication, they expect…
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… Preparing to launch our redesigned website in the next few weeks, we have been testing alternate tag lines for our banner head, looking for the most accurate way to define our work in less than a half dozen words. This evening (8/3), VenusPlusX hosted a book party in our home…