

Cosmic Citizenship

  • I’m returning here after another hiatus but if you have been following me on Facebook and Twitter you can see what we’ve been up to: fighting to end poverty, racism, and war, while promoting the advancement of sexual freedom, a state of being someday where each person is autonomous and mutually respected, having shed our…

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  • Editor’s Note: Periodically we have fun delving into our archives to bring you still relevant items. This one was written in 2011 by our co-founder Dan Massey that puts reproductive sex in its place. Comments welcome, as always. Last Wednesday night (8/3) we hosted a meet-the-author event for the launch of Gloria Brame’s new book,…

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  • Editor’s Note: From time to time current discussions about sexual freedom prompt the reprinting of some of our earlier posts. This one from March 2011 is all about how orgasm translates to more effective living. Comments welcome, as always. [Media added.] For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… Remember starting puberty, discovering your groin’s “sweet spot” which…

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  • Religious myth has only degraded and inhibited human progress. Essentially all contemporary religions are myth based. Christianity fails the test of worth when it relies on Hebrew racial myth (the old testament) and Greek philosophical myth (the concept of the Christos and related ideas) as absolute truths. We know that nothing that draws on such ancient Sci-Fi…

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  • Another special for Independence Day 2014, we are representing one of our key issue posts that explains why sexual freedom is the underpinning of all of other freedoms. Please let us know what you think, and for more see A Manifesto for A New Age of Sexual Freedom and Transhuman Erotic Freedom. Why Sexual Freedom…

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  • Stepping back in history for a moment to uncover the birth of religious freedom in this country, and how it was hampered by the Puritans, we are gladly representing a post we delivered a couple of years ago. Religion: Real and Fake, originally published on July 20, 2012 Society suffers from a severe misunderstanding of…

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  • Here is small clip* from A Course in Immortality, (en espanol, Un Curso En Inmortalidad), written as an Appendix for our upcoming book, The Unseen Journey (working title), about the erotic connection to cosmic technology. The Course’s complete table of contents can be found here. Tell us what you think either by commenting here or on Facebook/VenusPlusX or by private email…

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  • A Course in Immortality was written, and translated to Spanish (Un Curso En Inmortalidad), almost 2 years ago as preparation and background for our planned book on the erotic connection to cosmic technology. This course is an explicit, prescriptive guide to navigating the paths of individual and collective erotic destiny. When published, The Unseen Journey (working title)…

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  • This is a newly carved out space to periodically share excerpts from our new book prior to its publication later this year. We welcome (we crave) your comments, suggestions, and critiques. We already shared an excerpt pertaining to the unification of eros and agape, along with a little wisdom borrowed from Goldilocks. Next, we began…

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  • “One of the great liabilities of history is the fact that all too many people find themselves amid a great period of social change, and yet they fail to achieve the new attitudes and the new mental outlook that the new situation demands.” — Martin Luther King, Jr., Springfield College Commencement , June 14, 1964…

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