

Flickr/creative commons
Flickr/creative commons

I’m returning here after another hiatus but if you have been following me on Facebook and Twitter you can see what we’ve been up to: fighting to end poverty, racism, and war, while promoting the advancement of sexual freedom, a state of being someday where each person is autonomous and mutually respected, having shed our backwards, primitive attitudes.

The book is finally ready for e-book publishing this summer. Long ago, Dan Massey and I uncovered the cosmic connection to love energy, something we have researched and benefited from ever since. This energy is so closely quartered within individuals that they often have trouble understanding its source and how to yield it creatively. This world-changing power has been and always will be at hand but it has been almost entirely masked by religious hierarchies and cults and the fundamentalists who fear it.

by Alice Popkorn Flickr/creative commons
by Alice Popkorn
Flickr/creative commons

The goal of the journey of discovery we embarked on became explaining this immense human power, this love energy, in a more accessible way by demonstrating scientifically the mechanics of how we are connected to the vast array cosmic technologies, personalities, and administrators; what that knowledge means to change ourselves and our world; and, why it has so much to do with human love, affection, sexuality, and gender.

Love energy is something so large in all of creation that we submit it is singularly worthy of worship. It is real. It is not ideological or necessarily religious. We are not starting yet a new religion, but outlining a format for a non-religion, what we call a trans-religion, something that comes after religion once it’s no longer a valuable or viable building block of civilization.

Enjoy our archive of ideas, and check this space almost every day for something new on all fronts of social, economic, and ecological justice and the tools we need to build our better future.

As always, comments and feedback are welcome:

