

Global Sexual Freedom Watch

  • Salutes!

    Quick salute to record 400,000 People’s Climate Marchers who turned out, yesterday. More about that, tomorrow, with an Op-Ed on what’s gone down today in Lower Manhattan many of these activists showed up to Flood Wall Street calling for corporate environmental responsibility. Naysayers who think that big marches don’t bring about real change fail to…

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  • Some recent memes have left me wondering: Are certain leaders consciously uncoupling from some of our core beliefs that motivate our activism in the first place? For example, it seems to me that it would be much better if the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT) community fights for all of the objectives of the…

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  • UN Human Rights Council Adopts Non-Inclusive Protection of the Family Resolution “It should not be up to an accidental majority of states to define what does and what does not constitute a family. I urge all states to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of all individual members belonging to all different types of…

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  • WARNING: Some URLs in this article contain graphic material (educational purposes)  Previously, we spoke about circumcision rhetoric, examining evidence in its favor. Here, we touch on more aspects of this topic, and give final comments. Genital cutting has grievous effects on doctor-patient relationships, creating conflicts of interest. Enter Circumcision Inc. — doctors as cold businessmen (not…

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  • In Part 1, I spoke of faults in pro-circumcision rhetoric and attitudes that condone genital cutting. Now we will examine some evidence in favor of circumcision. The trials in Africa, conducted from 2005-2007 and often referenced, have been shown to use poor methodology. Brian D. Earp, who has written rigorously on this topic, familiarizes us…

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  • A child bleeds from the genitals during an unnecessary surgery with adults in attendance, none batting an eye. This is genital mutilation; however, we in the western world are immersed in a form of doublethink, considering our vehement disapproval of female genital mutilation (FGM). Is there such a difference between FGM and male circumcision that…

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  • Save the Children Report Ranks Best and Worst Places to Be a Mother: U.S. Drops to 31st . . .   If you read this report, can you not be radicalized by its findings? Countries faring the worst were those affected by humanitarian crises . . Worldwide, more than half of all maternal and child deaths…

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  • I was so heartened to see yesterday’s press release issued by Wayne Besen’s Truth Wins Out (TWO) regarding the funding of TWO’s new Center Against Religious Extremism (CARE, or TWOCARE). “If you’re like me, you are tired of American extremists literally getting away with murder from Uganda to Russia,” said Truth Wins Out Executive Director…

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  • The human mind is a dangerous weapon. The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 from the U.S. State Department reinforce this timeless notion. The Report, released in February, gives us a clear view of the current frontier in the human rights struggle. Things have come to a head, and at this point you have…

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  • The Christian Right’s archaic beliefs about women were evident in the recent presidential election with women’s right to health care and the right to choose an abortion were put on the line. All  throughout history organized religions have done much to control women, including everything from almost destroying our sense of  self worth to teaching…

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