News of Note

Kiss the anti-gay away

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Two Guys Kiss at Santorum Rally

About three minutes and 35 seconds into Santorum’s speech at the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Ill., Timothy Tross and Ben Clifford screamed, “MIC Check!” Then they made-out to the horror and fascination of the 2,100 people at the rally. The men, along with a female companion, were removed from the event as attendees shouted, “U.S.A.”

Tross and Clifford aren’t saying whether they’re gay. They claim their orientation isn’t the point, Santorum’s antigay baiting is.

It has been used before at Westboro Baptist protests, and it occurs to me that Rick Santorum isn’t the only right wing zealot masquerading as a politician who deserves this.

Mass same-sex kiss-ins could become a formidable technique of non-violent civil disobedience!

Groups of us can go to public hearings of discriminatory legislation and policy, candidate rallies, and anti-marriage events, etc., whenever and wherever, and stage a timed mass kiss-in, something that would be as effective as sit-ins but much prettier and much harder to penalize. We could ask our allies to join in, putting their lips where their mouths are, staging kisses with same-sex allies.

We would drive the opposition crazy with this newfound, in-your-face strategy, or at least help them along their path of personal self-destruction. That would be a campaign I could get my lips around.

Rock Group Delivers Controversial Message at Public School Assembly

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News of Note: Rock Group “Junkyard Prophet” Delivers Controversial Message at School Assembly

High school students in Dunkerton, Iowa, were expecting an assembly about bullying and making good choices. What they got instead was the Christian rap/hard rock band called Junkyard Prophet delivering an anti-gay and anti-abortion rant.

According to the La Crosse Tribune, after the band performed, they separated the girls, boys, and teachers into three breakout groups. “They told my daughter, the girls, that they were going to have mud on their wedding dresses if they weren’t virgins,” said Jennifer Littlefield, whose 16-year-old daughter, Alivia, called her in tears after the event. Reportedly, one of the band members led the girls in a chant pledging purity and encouraged them to be submissive to their husbands after marriage.

The boys were shown images of musicians who died of drug overdoses. A video of the event shows a band member criticizing Elton John and Lady Gaga for encouraging “sexual deviancy” and supporting laws outlawing homosexuality.

I find it hypocritical and unfair that faith-based groups like Junkyard Prophet (and PFOX) are imposing their intolerant beliefs on helpless school children. The separation of church and state should (and unfortunately often does not) protect all children in public schools from being force-fed religious dogma and intolerance. Arguments against homosexuality, abortion, and premarital sex, are clearly rooted in the teachings of christian zealots, and have no business being taught to public school children as objective information.

These organizations have no shame in taking any opportunity they can to inject dogma into publicly funded schools. How can we organize to prevent this intolerance from being perpetuated in the future? This surely isn’t the end of it.

Creative Commons image by: Jsome1

PayPal backtracks on “obscene” e-book policy

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News of Note: PayPal backtracks on “obscene” e-book policy

(Reuters) – PayPal, the online payment service owned by eBay Inc., is backtracking on its policy against processing sales of e-books containing themes of rape, bestiality or incest after protests from authors and anti-censorship activist groups.

PayPal’s new policy will focus only on e-books that contain potentially illegal images, not e-books that are limited to just text, spokesman Anuj Nayar said on Tuesday. The service will still refuse, however, to process payments for text-only e-books containing child pornography themes.

When I heard that PayPal was throttling the sales of various legal e-books, I wondered if that was a reasonable use of their power. For many people Paypal is a necessary evil. If you make a living on eBay or run a shop in Second Life, you’re probably going to want PayPal in order to get paid.

But this begs the question, “Do corporations have the right to impose censorship on their clients?”

Paypal is a money transmitter. They offer a service similar to a bank (they are a bank in Europe), and they sell no products. As long as no one is dealing in illegal activity, do you believe Paypal has any right to choose what their users can buy? Let us know what you think.

Utah legislature passes bill requiring ‘abstinence-only’ sex education — or none at all

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News of Note: Utah legislature passes bill requiring ‘abstinence-only’ sex education — or none at all

Utah legislature has passed a sex education bill that allows schools to decide whether they will teach students about human sexuality and in the event that they do, requires that it use “abstinence-only instruction materials.” The bill now goes to the governor for approval.

Abstinence only education ignores the fact that human beings will inevitably have sex. Parents may be scared to death that their child could become sexually active, but that shouldn’t justify denying all children information about contraceptives and other aspects of sexual health. America’s obsession with sexual repression continues to take this country further backwards. What do you think it’s going to take to end this abusive trend?

Creative Commons image by Flickingerbrad

Use Birth Control? You’re Fired!

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News of note: Use Birth Control? You’re Fired!

You may want to sit down for this one. Arizona legislators know that whether or not her insurance covers it, a woman may get the prescription she needs to prevent an unintended pregnancy. They want to give her boss the right to control that too. The bill they are pushing would not only allow employers to take the insurance coverage away, but it would also make it easier for an employer who finds out that his employee uses birth control to fire her. You heard me right . . . to fire her.

Allowing discrimination under the banner of religious freedom is a popular theme in America, although the right to religious freedom is constantly falsely interpreted by the right wing. It means: Individuals retain the right to their own religious choices, including ignoring the dictates of organized religion, not the perverse opposite. Religions have no rights to impose behavioral restrictions on others.

When people must choose between sexual freedom and sexual repression, I’m counting on freedom being the more popular choice. We are evolving, and in the end, these bigots will fail.

Creative Commons image by: vociferous

Pot Legalization Foe Getting Rich off the Drug War

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News of Note: Pot Legalization Foe Getting Rich off the Drug War

“The lobbyist who helped kill California’s Proposition 19, the 2010 ballot measure that would have legalized recreational marijuana, has constructed an entire business model around keeping pot illegal. While fighting against the proposed law, lobbyist John Lovell accepted nearly $400,000 from a wide array of police unions, some of which he also represented in attempting to steer millions of federal dollars toward California’s marijuana suppression programs….

“Police unions and their lobbyists weren’t the only economic interests with a stake in Prop. 19. The alcohol industry and prison guards also contributed money to fight the measure. “

Is cannabis illegal because America needs more people in prison? Is cannabis illegal because people shouldn’t have an alternative to alcohol? If not, then how do these lobbyists justify their support of cannabis prohibition? Locking people up in prison not because they are dangerous, but because you profit from it, is a crime against humanity. The primary opponents against cannabis legalization are not concerned with human safety.

When laws are passed under false pretenses, who is our government looking out for? And what is our society turning into?

Creative Commons Image by Petr Brož

US Congress Expands New Anti-Protest Law

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News of Note: US Congress expands authoritarian anti-protest law

A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would expand existing anti-protest laws that make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to “enter or remain in” an area designated as “restricted.”

The bill—H.R. 347, or the “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011”—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill.

What about our 1st Amendment right to peaceful assembly? With the Occupy movement sweeping the globe last year and the US Presidential election continuing to gain momentum, this bill has come at just the right time to squash any civil response or resistance. As John F. Kennedy famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” I hope that it doesn’t ever have to come to that.

Creative Commons image by: Lutz

Santorum backs nullifying existing gay marriages

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News of Note: Santorum backs nullifying existing gay marriages

There are 18,000 married gay and lesbian couples in California and at least 131,000 nationwide according to the 2010 census, conducted before New York state legalized same-sex marriage in July.

Rick Santorum says he’ll try to unmarry all of them if he’s elected president

He would “unmarry” all same-sex marriages? Instead of listing reasons why gay marriage is a good thing and why it should have nothing to do with politics, I’d rather emphasize how terrible Rick Santorum is. I would normally disregard his comments as impossible or beneath me, but the nagging reality that we could have him (or someone with similar views) as president scares me senseless.

Santorum represents the magnitude of ignorance and hate many Americans still must overcome.

What do you think has caused these backwards ideologies to maintain so much face in America? What do you think we should be doing about that? We look forward to hearing your opinions.

Creative Commons image by: Gage Skidmore

25 Anonymous Arrested, Infiltrated, and the Fallout

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News of Note: “Interpol: Suspected Anonymous Hackers Arrested

“February 28, 2012

Interpol said Tuesday that 25 suspected members of the loose-knit Anonymous hacker movement have been arrested in a sweep across Europe and South America.

The international police agency said in a statement that the arrests in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Spain were carried out by national law enforcement officers working under the support of Interpol’s Latin American Working Group of Experts on Information Technology Crime.

The suspects, aged between 17 and 40, are suspected of planning coordinated cyberattacks against institutions including Colombia’s defense ministry and presidential websites, Chile’s Endesa electricity company and national library, as well as other targets.”

While these arrests do not appear directly related to the Stratfor hack last December, their proximity to the recent Wikileaks release is quite advantageous for all entities that oppose Anonymous. Was it law enforcement’s technical prowess that resulted in these Anons getting caught?

Anonymous hackers claim they were infiltrated

“The GREAT majority of those implicated were people inhabiting the servers of, something that disconcerts us,” said the activist “Skao,” who identified herself as a law student.

In the communique released on its blog, Anonymous Iberoamerica said the 25 were snared not through “inteligence work or informatics strategy” but rather through “the use of spies and informants within the movement.”

As participation within Anonymous is accessible to just about anyone, anticipating their next move and even compromising those involved may have been quite easy for an informant.

How does Anonymous respond?

Anonymous Retaliates For Interpol Arrests

Anonymous launched a sustained distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that knocked Interpol’s public-facing website offline for several hours Tuesday.

Members of the hacktivist group Anonymous apparently took credit for the attacks via the AnonOps Twitter channel, which has served as a reliable source of Anonymous information. “Tango Down >> Free International Anons!” read one tweet, while another said, “Tango Down II 404 Interpol, #Anonymous is not a criminal organization.”

While taking down one website for a few hours is nothing compared to locking up 25 people for many years, I’m happy to see Anonymous maintaining its presence and an unstoppable attitude.

Will there be more arrests directly in response to the Stratfor hack? Again, I find myself cheering for the Internet hivemind, eager to see what happens next.

Creative Commons image: Source

Wikileaks Releasing 5+ Million Emails From Intelligence Company Stratfor

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On Monday Wikileaks began releasing the beginning of over 5 million emails taken from the Global Intelligence Company Stratfor. The information is believed to have been given to Wikileaks by Anonymous, who hacked Stratfor’s servers in December 2011.

According to Wikileaks:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

What has been revealed so far?

As journalists continue to dredge through the leaked emails and more juicy details surface, we’re going to see Wikileaks, yet again, demonized as anti-American terrorists. People are fine with secretive intelligence companies selling US Intel to the highest bidder, but when Wikileaks reveals it for free, they’re terrorists. With only a few hundred emails revealed everyday, there is much more to come. I’m eager to see what gets revealed and beyond that, if anyone is going to be prosecuted over it. More to come.