Real Democracy Demands Economic Democracy
2 min read
“Only 1 out of 8 American households is able to have the American Dream.” – Richard D. Wolff, author of Democracy At Work: A Cure for Capitalism, and leader of the Democracy At Work movement, appearing on Bill Maher’s HBO show, Real Time We were told as children that capitalism was good because it supported…
Park your formulaic sex at the door
4 min read
Like a lot of people, I took note a couple of weeks ago when Cosmo, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the fun girl’s bible, ran a story with pictures laying out 28 Mind-blowing Lesbian Sex Positions. The modern Cosmo was the brainchild of its brilliant editor and author Helen Gurly Brown in 1965, who started dialogs on topics unheard…
McDonald’s Corporation on the hook
3 min read
McDonald’s NLRB joint employer ruling Yesterday’s ruling gives litigants and activists alike a bigger target, and a big boost for fast-food workers’ rights everywhere. We like to catalog progress when we see it. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) finally came to its senses by ruling that McDonald’s Corporation could no longer avoid complaints from…
AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America’s Morally Bankrupt Israeli Policy As we speak, today, Israel is expanding it ground offensive in Palestine. [US] politicians and policymakers continue to back a brutal military campaign whose primary purpose is not to defend Israel but rather to protect its longstanding effort to colonize the West Bank.…
Israel’s Messy Package (Part 2)
6 min read
Yesterday, in Part 1, I told my personal family’s jewish history in an attempt to put the existence of Israel into a broader context. Earlier enough, I had dispensed with the myth of my youth, that Israel was simply the world’s and Palestine’s gift to the jewish culture, a safe harbor for Jews following the…
Israel’s Messy Package (Part 1)
5 min read
“Creating land already occupied by Palestinians would ‘imperil not just American but all Western interests in the Middle East.’” —Dean Acheson, 1947, statesman and foreign policy expert for several presidential administrations, including as Harry Truman’s Secretary of State In the early 1900s, both sides of my Jewish family fled the Kiev countryside because of the militant…
Counting on what is good
6 min read
By everyone’s estimation, last week was bad, in fact we are having many bad weeks piling up for sometime now. But, these horrible events distract us from all the good that is emerging at the same time. It’s not Pollyanna-like to see that this cauldron of world-wide strife is now bubbling over for all to…
Our Horrible Days
4 min read
How Do We Respond to This Really Horrible Day? “It’s too late to reverse the death and destruction, but it’s never too early to advocate for peace and life.” — Paul Brandeis Raushenbush Just 3 days ago, believing things are getting worse at a faster pace than ever before, we revisited Where Does of All This F*cking…
Arrow’s Paradox Dismembers Supreme Court Illogic
5 min read
A few years ago around July 4, we wrote about the fallacy of the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in the Citizen’s United v Federal Communications Commission case opened the door to giving personal rights to corporations by prohibiting the government from restricting political expenditures. These same fallacies underpin the recent ruling in Burwell v Hobby Lobby …
Transhumans Transform the World
3 min read
Transhumanism has a very simple definition, so you may be a transhuman without realizing it: Transhumans translate their ideal visions of what the world can become into actions they can accomplish in the here and now. For example, transhumans envisioned new technology for driverless cars, decades ago. What was once considered fanciful is now recognized…