Misogyny in the news, at last
4 min read
Editor’s Note: There are few if any links in this post about the recent mass murderer because we have to stop sensationalizing perpetrators instead of sympathizing with the victims. [Unfortunately]. . . we don’t see misogyny as an ideology, we see it as a given for young men. — Jessica Valenti, Author, Guardian columnist, and…
A hypocrite the Boy Scouts can love
3 min read
New Boy Scouts President Robert Gates: ‘I Would Have Supported Having Gay Scoutmasters’ Despite media to the contrary, Robert Gates, the Bush and Obama Administration, Defense Secretary, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans) insiders didn’t view him as a true friend helping to repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”. He had no problem accepting any and…
Science is teaching us all about Lipophilia
4 min read
Always Hungry? Here’s why [T]he increasing amount and processing of carbohydrates in the American diet has increased insulin levels, put fat cells into storage overdrive and elicited obesity-promoting biological responses in a large number of people . . . . obesity rates . . . for adults, are almost three times what they were in the…
Eric Holder explains it all, now it’s your turn
2 min read
Holder confronts racial issues in address as White House puts discrimination at the fore Attorney General Eric Holder has withstood savage attacks from his detractors but he has hung on and has emerged as our explainer-in-chief when it comes to racism in this country, really racism everywhere. His recent commencement address at Morgan State University…
Woefully bad news for Mothers and Children
3 min read
Save the Children Report Ranks Best and Worst Places to Be a Mother: U.S. Drops to 31st . . . If you read this report, can you not be radicalized by its findings? Countries faring the worst were those affected by humanitarian crises . . Worldwide, more than half of all maternal and child deaths…
Net Neutrality on the front burner, at last
2 min read
Basically Every Big Internet Firm Signs Letter Against FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan There has been a rush of public pressure on the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to put off the May 15 vote that would drastically change the Internet. The commission has proposed allowing big providers (Verizon and Comcast to name two) to create higher…
Re-envisioning the future: A personal call to action
5 min read
VenusPlusX re-envisions the future as A New Age of Sexual Freedom because that is a state of being the heralds the end of racism (at its root sexual oppression) and the end of nationalism for the purposes of war (at its root racism)and other forms of inhumane exploitation. In connection with our recent relaunch, a…
Yes, it’s true, anti-LGBT laws kill
1 min read
Quantifying the Effects of Homophobia Providing the quantifiable effects of homophobia will allow policy makers, economists, and global leaders to better understand that anti-gay laws ultimately do more harm than good, to LGBT people and the population at large. –Dominic Bocci for The Advocate Society must be kept accountable for the facts that an LGBT…
Donate: The New Center Against Religious Extremism
7 min read
I was so heartened to see yesterday’s press release issued by Wayne Besen’s Truth Wins Out (TWO) regarding the funding of TWO’s new Center Against Religious Extremism (CARE, or TWOCARE). “If you’re like me, you are tired of American extremists literally getting away with murder from Uganda to Russia,” said Truth Wins Out Executive Director…
Thousands of drug offenders to receive clemency
3 min read
[pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”http://youtu.be/-cDZAF5ZBbo” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] Step by step, month by month, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, as left us breathless as he and the Obama Administration have begun to heal America by destroying some of the malignant tentacles of the 40-year-old War on Drugs. April 2013 will become one of the greatest landmark in establishing human rights…