

Join the Revolution

For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom…

An increasing sexual free world is appearing on the horizon. Can you feel it? Touch it? See it? Haven’t you at least noticed that the sexual repression crusaders are crumbling under the weight of their own hypocrisy and fear?

This “New Age of Erotic Freedom” will be elucidated on Saturday, February 5 (10:45 AM at Minneapolis’ Hotel Ivy) by Dr. Loraine Hutchins, a well-known erotic adventurer, educator, and activist, and Dan Massey, a life long student of human mythology and co-founder of Team COLUMBIA and

Their presentation will put forth the historical legacy, the present day status, and the path ahead for realization of a new age of liberty, freedom, justice, and equality for all, and show how erotic power drives the transformation of all human action.

You will become privy to the historical activities that have gradually led to the clarification of so-called “occult” beliefs and their practices in the present day. You can judge for yourself the recent social developments in sacred sexuality, polyamory, and the public and private practice of sexual healing in our society, the natural outgrowth of greater public exposure to esoteric teachers. You can learn the ancient secrets of earthly enlightenment through such channels as the proper psychic use of masturbation.

And, there’s still more.

Loraine and Dan will point us towards the ample evidence of the cosmic power shift that is uplifting our unified will to stand against all forms of erotic oppression, and bringing about the final corrective answer to the evil and oppression of our past. Once transformed we will have the opportunity,  ability, and the power to transform the world.

Their 90-minute session is FREE and open to the public along with registrants at the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s Creating Change conference, next door at the Hilton, expected to bring more than 2000 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people to the Twin Cities this week. See the full schedule for VenusPlusX’s two days of sexual freedom workshops, demos, special presentations, political caucuses, and parties (with free drinks), all under the banner of “Blueprint For A Revolution.”

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