
The Crowned and Conquering Child–Transhuman Lord of the New Age

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Throughout all human history, those who understood the central mysteries of sacred sexuality and gender variation as keys to inner joy and outward satisfaction have hidden away their knowledge of such matters. Why did they conceal this marvelous knowledge, now freely available to all?

First, these mysteries are the most direct way to open the inner gates between the purely sensory and the transcendent spiritual experience of the individual. And this inner attainment enables the individual to break free from unfactual and untrue beliefs and habits acquired from the social environment. Once set free, the individual can cast off all sex and gender oppression and refuse any longer to be intimidated by the ignorant braying of the masses. A critical mass of such free people will overthrow the false religious, social, and economic structures of the past. Conservative forces will forever oppose such growth because of their investment in the dead cultures of our pastfathers. Human religions are deliberately designed to thwart such social maturation and at the same time deliberately deface, hide, and twist all past revelations of truth to conform to a false consistency within the foolish myths of human history.

Prophet of the New Age

The second cause of this earlier secrecy stemmed from a real fear of ruthless oppression by powerful social elites who derive their existence from mass ignorance. People are educated to question and resist integrating the evidence of their own eyes, senses, and erotic experiences. They are told that any internal personal experience is a delusion unless sanctified by a self-appointed middle-man  who presumes hypocritically to place himself between the individual and deity.

Sex and gender freedom, erotic freedom, is the foundation of all personal rights and interpersonal fairness. When a bigoted bully or other psychic degenerate (who might be a priest, a parent, a pastor, a teacher, a physician, an enemy, a peer, a “lover,” or just about anyone) convinces you to surrender your total personal erotic sovreignty in any way, they have gained unearned, unjust, and unwarranted control over your most basic physical being and made you their slave. Today’s slaves do not understand they are slaves or how they have been enslaved.

In late 19th century England the recovery of lost knowledge became an interest of Rosicrucian scholars who founded a secret order known, for short, as the Golden Dawn. Well-know cultural and social figures, such as William Butler Yeats were active members. Aleister Crowley, another member, most clearly enunciated the ideal of a New Age. He claimed to have received a direct revelation of the opening of the New Age, the Age of Aquarius, at the vernal equinox of 1904, through a supernatural contact. Crowley published his three-day revelation as “The Book of the Law” and built much of his career with occult and secret societies around this text.

Transhuman Lord of the New Age

One of the key ideas that emerges from the book and Crowley’s interpretive writings is “The Crowned and Conquering Child,” who is the deity of the New Age. Superficially, the term stands for the idea that the spirit of the people of the oncoming age will be fresh and open like a child. Child-like, but not childish. And such people will be free of the fears that turn the human heart from the truth. They will truly know the truth and the truth will truly set them free. It is a more complete expression of the concept, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” When one inquires into the esoteric significance of these ideas, a richer, though speculative, picture emerges with grand prophetic connotations. I love it!

Crowley associated the Crowned and Conquering Child with the deity Harpocrates, the God Horus as a child. Much as Sturgeon speculated inVenus Plus X, Crowley visualized the new age wherein the child-like becomes divine, god-like. This new order of being will be distinguished by having an unbiased will to live truth and by staying uncorrupted by impositions of false formalities, responding solely to the truth of each occasion. Thus we see that the Child is also the emerging Transhuman identity, free from the encumbrances of mythic belief, ready to perceive what is, and act constructively on those perceptions.

The Crowned and Conquering Child is not a single special person or even a single expression of personal freedom. The Child stands for the complete action of the new people of the new age, who embrace the future willingly and openly to create happiness and joy. The Child consciousness appears violent to anyone who holds to false ideas because it reveres nothing and is the sworn enemy of all such rubbish. The Child consciousness quickly rejects and overturns systems based on false premises, bullying, and forcible exploitation of others. Once the Child has fully emerged, the overthrow of status quo is intense, rapid, and trusting the pieces will all fall where they belong. In the words of Crowley:

The Quest of the Holy Grail, the Search for the Stone of the Philosophers—by whatever name we choose to call the Great Work—is therefore endless. Success only opens up new avenues of brilliant possibility. Yea, verily, and Amen! the task is tireless and its joys without bounds; for the whole Universe, and all that in it is, what is it but the infinite playground of the Crowned and Conquering Child, of the insatiable, the innocent, the ever-rejoicing Heir of Space and Eternity, whose name is MAN?

The course of the New Age is determined by the actions of the Crowned and Conquering Child. Nothing that does not fit eir plans survives from the past.

—Dan Massey


Transgender Transhumans! Are you headed to Venus Plus X?

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También en español Depending on how you space it, VenusPlusX or Venus Plus X, it’s no accident that you may have stumbled over a novel by Theodore Sturgeon of the same name. Since first reading Venus Plus X in 1960, it has invoked a strong resonance with my own inner truth even though it was Sturgeon’s creative imagination, a perhaps fantasy. It is our namesake because it stands as the earliest and still clearest exposition of the world’s essential ideas and ideals in the world of sex and gender, and guides the our work as advocates, educators, and activists.

In the novel, a 1950’s human male, Charlie, is transported through time to a distant future where the surviving population of earth is a people called the Ledom (that’s model spelled backwards). The Ledom are fully functional androgynes, being capable of mutual impregnation and of resulting individual pregnancy. Most of the novel is focused on exploring the emotional and dramatic situational differences between normative human bi-gender society (envisioned through time flashbacks) and the behaviors of the Ledom, who are free of all sex and gender inequalities and limitations.

Throughout most of the novel the reader is led to think that the Ledom are some natural product of human evolution or genetic reengineering. Near the end, after Charlie has become friends with some Ledom and given them some feedback on their society vs. primitive human society (1950s), they give him a rather detailed explanation of how they view the society from which he came and how that view has come to shape their own. This is Philo’s Manifesto, which is an authoritative debunking of human history, philosophy, religion, and pretty much everything else, while showing the way to a vastly higher and transcendent body of truth. This short statement it is a must read for every person on earth.

Although Philo’s Manifesto is surely one of the most remarkable and complete syntheses of rational human knowledge of a subject normally considered too exotic to be open to intelligent, unbigoted, unbiased discussion, the final reality of the Ledom is even more remarkable. While the directed biological redesign of the human race into the Ledom is surely enough to be called Transhuman, in the final chapters of the story it is revealed that Ledom reproduction is not entirely biological, but involves a complex symbiosis from conception to adulthood with elaborate medical machinery that continually reshapes the “natural” human biology of development into a series of stages that lead to reproductively mature Ledom. That is truly a Transhumanist idea and far ahead of its time!

Without the medical machines, Ledom infants would be ordinary human infants. The creation of the Ledom is a deliberate act of human creativity, expressed in biomedical technology. This is a transformation of a very basic human character as all members of society enter into this reproductive symbiosis with the machine as a way to perfect their society. They have diagnosed the problems of humanity and conclude they all begin with sexual dimorphism and the resulting bi-genderism that rises from ignorance and refusal to examine reality carefully. Their reproductive symbiosis with the machines allows each to mature into androgynes indistinguishable in hermaphroditic sexual function and completely without gender.

Like Sturgeon’s Ledom, we examine many of the problems of humanity. Like Sturgeon, we feel many of the problems would not exist if humans were perfectly androgynous; however, we see many technological alternatives to the “brute force” approach in the novel (remember that DNA had been discovered only a few years before the novel was written, and nothing was known of its detailed structure and function). For example, a simple reduction in the expression of secondary sexual characteristics and the adoption of extracorporeal fertilization and gestation could achieve similar objectives.

Thus, unlike the Ledom, we do not expect to abolish sexual dimorphism. Rather, we seek to encourage health and longevity by discouraging extreme dimorphism that causes the incorrect and unproductive bi-gender model, and encourage either biosex to develop as symmetrically as possible to enjoy the full range of psychosexual and gender experience available to the human nervous system.

Extracorporeal gestation remains a distant technological objective, although planned fertilization is now part of the culture.

Today, as we learn to accommodate the needs of consciously transgender pre-pubescent children, we know that even crude pharmacological intervention at puberty can greatly enhance the experience of androgyny for the matured adult.

The technology foreseen by Venus Plus X is still in the distant future and may never be developed as an option for directed human reproductive evolution. On the other hand, the social changes envisioned in the novel are ready to move ahead today, since they depend only on changing human hearts and minds, and that means education and socialization, not biology. At, we know how quickly such changes can occur in individuals and in groups, once a successful meme has been sufficiently distributed. While we support research into the technology of androgyny, we understand that the time is here today to empower the Transgender Transhuman community to assume leadership in the revolution for full sex and gender freedom and equality.


Why the United States Government is Damaged Goods (Part 1 of 2)

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When I was growing up in Chattanooga in the 50s, I somehow acquired the belief that the United States of America was the best country in which to be born and live. I gave thanks to my god of the day I had been born an American, and wondered at the miracle of such privilege in a world torn by war, famine, disease, and poverty, in which it seemed no group of national cults could exist in peace.

Before Kent State was the Boston Massacre

When I went to college in the Boston area at the start of the 60s I was abruptly exposed to a very different view, no less idolatrous, but couched in historical ideals and events that supported two related viewpoints on which our republic was founded—a desire for intense socialization of agrarian freedoms on the one hand, simultaneously opposed and supported by mercantilist and capitalist interests where commercial advantage could be found. In Boston, we thought all the unrighteous capitalists were slave owners in the slave states.

In the 90s I moved with my family to the National Capital Region of Virginia and, in the 00s to the District of Columbia. Virginia (and Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania) really evoke the terrible realities in the birth of a new cult of nationhood. It is impossible to visit Manassas, Antietam, or Gettysburg without recalling the thousands of lives sacrificed to fear, disunity, and greed, where the soil is soaked with yet more thousands of liters of blood. And, having grown up in Chattanooga, I already knew the horrors of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and Chickamauga. I remembered the words of that hideously false, yet weirdly inspiring line from The Battle Hymn of the Republic which says “…as he died to make men holy, we shall die to make men free.” Can mass emotional insanity built on ignorance reliably serve the cause of love and truth? We now know it cannot, does not, and never has. Today we are heir to the results of living with such foolish ideas.

Once we moved to the District, I saw how Jefferson’s forced decision to have the national capital at its present location initially captured, within one city-to-be, the national vision of union based on unity without uniformity, avoiding New York in favor of a fresh start where Georgetown and Alexandria competed for economic favor, based on different social models. I contemplated the Rosicrucian geomancy that L’Enfant drew on in planning the city, as well as the artistic ideals inspired by Paris and other great cities of Europe in that day. I understood how the desires for balanced and fair peace had inspired this most occult design, as if the greatness to be of the city and the republic for which it stands could be invoked and established within an urban architecture designed to be a subliminal parable of truth.

The National Mall, designed by the McMillan Commission at the start of the 20th century, ripped the ramshackle and decrepit commercial heart out of the original, unplanned collection of businesses, services, and residences that occupied the swampy flats west of Capitol Hill, moved the city plan closer to its Masonic origins, yet made me feel I had entered a Federal Disneyland recreation of the Roman Forum on a much grander scale, where everything was brand new classical revival and beaux-arts architecture, a gleaming alabaster city “undimmed by human tears.” Unfortunately, to me the brilliance of this parklike setting for our Federal buildings and monuments was drenched in the human blood spilled to achieve the triumphalist vision of a newborn world empire. This especially came home to me when the World War II memorial was completed. Emperor Trajan, the prolific builder of second-century Rome, would have been proud.

Those who walk the streets of this city patrol the paths of destiny. When we marched for equality in October 2009, the light of truth on which this city was founded and designed broke through the ocean of clotted blood and stinking death wrought by foolish greed, showing us the glorious rainbow of a better age, unconquerable and soon to be all there is.

Can the future learn from the past? Or must the future be imprisoned by the limited wisdom of the past? How can our nation escape the prison of literalistic and untruthful government and triumphalist imperial ambitions in which it seems trapped? Today, Lincoln’s words continue to apply, “…a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great war, testing whether that nation…can long endure…” Now as we realize and expose how cruelly our nation continues to fail to build on the ideals for which so much life was sacrificed to the worship of greed, from the Revolution through the Civil War, we more clearly see the roots of oppression that prevent human freedom and social progress. In answer to the implied question, we now know this new nation has not endured, and has finally been destroyed by a bunch of ignorant humans flying a false flag of Supreme authority. Will yet another war be needed to achieve liberty, freedom, justice, and equality for all?

See how far we have lost our way as a national cult of freedom. Colonial sentiment was strongly anti-slavery, but the political power of slaveholders could not be denied, even as the extraction and financial industries cannot be denied today. Jefferson wrote of the King, in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence:

“He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, capturing and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur a miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to drestrain this execrable commerce.”

General Jeffrey Amherst

Does our nation live up to this standard today? Or have we actually become suborners of true freedom to serve delusions of historical and religious mythology? Or were we ever willing to put the interests of the powerless who depend on us for survival behind our personal greed and national desire for empire. For example, our national myth ignores the intentional genocide against the American aboriginal peoples (the “indians” that fought the “cowboys”), which began with the policies of British Commander Jeffrey Amherst, who conducted biological warfare against the Indian population of Ohio, among other things, directing his troops to deliberately infect gift blankets with smallpox. It is likely these actions by British troops caused a major smallpox epidemic among the native population.

Such mass social cruelty to an entire people has continued unabated to this day. After personally starting the French and Indian War (out of abyssal ignorance) George Washington led forces that ferociously destroyed the villages and societies of the Iroquois Confederation across New York state. He was known to the Indians as Caunotaucarius, which means “devourer of villages.” Many years later, when Washington was President and the settled Seneca were suffering under the continual abuse and cruelty practiced on them by American frontier rogues, they sent a delegation, headed by Cornplanter, their great spiritual leader of the time, who had encouraged them to adopt agrarian ways compatible with European frontier development. This delegation was to beg the great white man for mercy from his government and to require the frontier citizens to obey treaties and the law. After Cornplanter made his appeal, the delegation was given gifts and promises and sent home. On the way back they were robbed several times and, of course, nothing changed on the frontier. In retrospect it is easy to see that, in those days, the President and Federal government were powerless to control the frontier. It seems there has been no time when our nation was willing to live up to its grand promises for its aboriginal peoples.

This discussion continues tomorrow.

—Dan Massey


Do You Believe in Fate? I Believe in Destiny!

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También en Español You may have noted that we never speak of “fate” and are constantly speaking of “destiny.” This is a very important distinction in our understanding of how the world actually works. As you become more familiar with the concept of destiny, as we use the word here at, you will see how it assists understanding of the nature of progressive change, as well as providing a positive vision of the future.

The Three Fates of Antiquity

Many people hold a viewpoint they consider “rational” or “causal.” They say that what happens next is directly determined by what was just happening and what’s going on right now, so that effects follow from causes in a linear positive direction in time. They claim that, although the future is not accurately predictable, it is nonetheless causally determined. Although they understand and admit the impossibility of accurately determining the state of the present with sufficient precision to accurately predict the future, they still cling to the irrational belief that, if they could do so, they would be able to predict the future accurately.

From this viewpoint, human life has no purpose other than the fulfillment of causation, causation in which human beings are able to participate to some degree to obtain desired physical results. People who adopt this viewpoint see the achievement of a desired result as the culmination of a series of actions, which, taken together, collectively cause the result. Thus, to achieve a desired result, we decompose the result into elements for which an achievable cause can be found. Such an approach is called “analytic” because it depends on the analysis of the structure of the desired outcome and the network of causes that (hopefully) will produce it. Such thinking is also called “reductionist.”

There is another, fully rational way of understanding how things will work. This approach considers the destined end state to be linked to current events by a “force of destiny,” a force that appears to carry pattern backwards through time, imposing it on the past, in order that destiny may be fulfilled. In effect, destiny is a future universe state and the force of destiny is causation expressed outside the range of knowable causes for the observer embedded in time. The necessity of a terminal event shapes unmeasured parameters to obligate all possibilities to a stable outcome, regardless of the factual event. Such force does not override time-forward causation. Rather it shapes and limits the actual active form of the experienced causation. The force of destiny obligates operative causes that are intrinsically unknowable because they are literally (relativistically) unobservable, lying beyond the range of immediately available information.

Most people who are aware of the rigor of so-called “mathematical logic” think of formal geometric proofs, analytic geometric proofs, and simple if-then-else inference logic. Otherwise apparently informed people seem quite unaware of the entire domain of “modal logic,” which provides mechanisms for formal reasoning about possibility vs. necessity and other complementary qualities of being. Such logic provides rigor to certain absolute concepts extending far beyond classical “truth values” of logical statements.

Destined Emergence of Universe Structure

Just as the concept of fate is well modeled by the logical pressure of sequential material implication, the concept of destiny is well modeled by teleological tension within a chain of necessities, which can require the totality of space and time (including domains beyond any possibility of immediate observation) to bring into existence possibilities unpredictable and unknowable from the historic record, no matter how complete. And it is the unification of two patterns in the present that defines us. One pattern flows forward in time from the past, changing to incorporate caused events. The other pattern flows backwards in time from the future, requiring certain qualities to be present in the temporal present.

The manner in which destiny emerges is “synthesis,” a complementary term to analysis. Observable present is the intersection of the possibilities emerging from causation with the necessities that synthesize the force of destiny. In time the universe progresses from an initial state to a final state, attaining destiny through the accumulation of causes. The causes that matter are the ones that recognize free will decisions by individual personalities. And the domain and range of such decisive causes necessarily link up to achieve the fulfillment of destiny.

This means that human free will is a reality with at least one bit of information content—either to do the right thing or to do anything else. But this also means that, no matter what the decisions of any collection of actors, nevertheless, destiny will be attained; therefore, since causation is preserved, the timelines of the universe appear continuous viewed from either direction.

To summarize:

  • Destiny is as real as history and gives purpose to existence
  • Destiny is more important, flexible, and significant than history because it is achieved through personal choice
  • Aggregated personal free will cannot violate either causation or inevitability

Humanity progresses by reaping the results of its actions; however, the productivity and value of those results is assured by adherence to the force of destiny.

–Dan Massey

Meek, Arise! Defeat the Bullies!

For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom…

También en español More clearly than at any other time in our past, the underlying mechanisms of oppression by which our cultures maintain the status quo are coming into sharp relief. These mechanisms divide the public interest into warring groups, easy to suborn and emasculate through political manipulation. For far too long the attention of the people, whom religion, government, and commerce exist only to serve, has been manipulated and diverted into hatred of their fellows rather than love and respect for individual autonomy. The collective folly and false presentations of reality presented by religion, government, and commerce instead force each of us to compete for resources and privileges of life because they are deliberately kept in extreme scarcity by artificial systems of ownership and distribution designed to support oppression.

Finally, the pretentions to love, truth, and public service are progressively falling away from human delusions of religion, government, and commerce. This is exposing the vicious zombie program that soullessly drives forward a cruel and uncaring social fate selected by bullies for personal and collective advantage over their fellow humans. We see exposed the naked foundations of human oppression. And they begin with sexual repression, culturally forced on infants the day they are born and never relaxed afterwards. And the brutality of this completely failed cultural system perpetuates itself as one generation insists that the next adopt its obscene and failed ideas and ideals.

Today the meek can see that their entire lives and life expression are being dominated and shaped by uncaring bullies, who have conspired to seize control of all human rights and liberties, denying the most basic needs to everyone who dare challenge the selfish execution of their desires against the whole of human welfare and progress.

by Khannea Suntzu

The time is at hand to end the bullying. The time is at hand to turn your back on the demands of a false and failed culture that would control your every desire, including the most basic forms of sex and gender freedom. The time is at hand to recognize the falsity of all religious myth, of all government hallucinations of moral purpose, and of all greed-based commerce. Those who would practice such bullying must be forced from society and isolated in their own personal world of delusion, never to abuse the trust of the meek again. The systems they have erected for their power and enrichment must be disassembled and reformed to the purposes of humanity or allowed to rot and decay in their own purposelessness.

Today the bullies have become well-organized and open in the expression of their desire to fully enslave the rest of humanity. The public statements of religious, governmental, and commercial leaders continually disclose their greed and cynicism, free at last from false assertions of selflessness or service that have surrounded them for millennia. Now they admit their purposes, even flaunt them inhumanely, so no intelligent person can fail to realize a personal responsibility to end the bullying forever and the bullies’ processes of persecution of the meek.

We outnumber them by the billions and there is absolutely nothing they can do if we all refuse to play their evil games. The bullies will try to use the meek who have bought into the system of oppression to force the disenfranchised to participate in this system that is unfair to their interests. The bullies will, as usual, try to do this with military and police force. Many members of these forces are not bullies but are themselves among the most oppressed by the bullies. When they come to understand the reality of their oppression they will refuse to continue to play the vile roles for which the bullies have so long exploited their fears.

Put another way, if you let some asshole dictate to you how to express your most basic sexual/gender character by legally limiting or guilting your behavior, you have enslaved yourself by giving them control over every less important thing you might think or want to do. You have denied your most central aspect of being in submitting to their ignorant or cynical delusion.

Defeat the bullies and you bring to an end the oppressive culture we have known and endured all our lives. We can replace it with a far better world in which all work together in diverse ways to accomplish common goods for the benefit of all, not just a few worthless bullies. The resulting rewards to humanity as all move forward in unity are beyond human experience and human imagination. Meek, arise!

–Dan Massey