


  • También En Español. Which will you choose for 2012? Will you commit yourself to the power and supremacy of love? Will you check yourself to make sure your actions are “of love?” Are you willing to call out those who are not-of love? The stark realities and compounding errors of the feckless conspiracy of the…

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  • (También en Español) News of Note: US Congress expands authoritarian anti-protest law A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would expand existing anti-protest laws that make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to “enter or remain in” an area designated as “restricted.”…

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  • (También en Español) News of Note: Occupy Joins the Fight Against Private Prisons “Yango, a middle-aged African-American DC native active in both Occupy DC and the prison divestment movement, spent over a decade in Rivers Correctional Facility, a private prison located in Winton, North Carolina, 251 miles outside DC…. “Yango described his time there as…

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  • Looking for another way to fight back against big banks? is calling for a national day of action on December 6, 2011. “Everyone deserves to have a roof over their head and a place to call home. Millions of Americans have worked hard for years for the opportunity to own their own home; for…

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  • For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español In my last post Who Are You Calling an Anarchist? we examined the important distinction between anarchy, as a legitimate and proven approach to governmental organization, and terrorism, a deliberate technique of chaotic social disorganization, that social elites deliberately and falsely equate to the wholly legitimate practice…

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  • For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español “I heartily accept the motto, ‘That government is best which governs least’; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe– ‘That government is best which governs not at all’; and…

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  • [pexyoutube pex_attr_src=”” pex_attr_width=”500″][/pexyoutube] We were really impressed with this video which brings into sharp relief some of the dissonance and hypocrisy of American politicians’ sweeping calls for democracy and equality abroad, through the UN, in the US Congress, and from the White House. They take seriously the populist rebellions in repressive foreign nations, at least…

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  • One of the best signs at the Occupy Wall Street‘s ongoing protest that is spreading like wildfire across the country right now said, “This revolution will not be privatized.” Well, what do we actually mean by that? In the last 24 hours, Occupy Together has increased by almost 200 more cities, up from 749 to 928 cities, including…

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