

Kinky Twin Cities

For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom…

One of the great joys of VenusPlusX and Team COLUMBIA’s presence at Creating Change 2011 was meeting people from the local Minneapolis – St. Paul community who found our open acceptance and promotion of freedom in all matters erotic very much in line with their own experiences and understandings.

Team COLUMBIA’s exposition and unification of all forms of sex and gender expression and satisfaction, including many themes and forms not otherwise visible at conferences like Creating Change, set a new standard for erotic inclusiveness, attracting the attention of the local queer community and  the “sex-rad” community, talking about sexual freedom and such things as virtual (simulated) sex and gender play, machine sex, teledildonics, pharmaceutically enhanced sex, BDSM, Leather, sacred sexuality, paganism, and other practices long considered to be “kinky.”

Our two days of programming included friend Loraine Hutchins, Phd, in a joint exploration of the origins, history, and destiny of  sacred sexuality as a source of power for the slowly brewing revolution against millennia of social erotic repression.

Sexual repression has so long stifled human creative and progressive expression, and been used as a merciless tool of governments and religious hierarchies to restrict human rights. Governments depend on their ability to enslave the guilt-ridden, fearful man to mount wars so crucial to its continued existence.

Dr. Hutchins and I discussed how hidden efforts to preserve the understanding of sacred sex began to flower slowly and furtively in the 19th and 20th centuries, from the public appearance of Rosicrucian-derived esoteric communities to the broader interest in sexual healing, modern paganism, and polyamory we see today.

The role of masturbation was cited as a perfected entry point to the experience of sacred sex, a source of insight and connection to living Truth through the power of joy and orgasm that becomes a tool for personal transformation and progressive realization of one’s true destiny.

Dr. Jenny Wade, in her book, Transcendent Sex, likewise talks of lovers engaged in sex “as usual” who suddenly find the “veil between the worlds torn open,” that this changes lives like any other spiritual awakening. “Atheists have become believers; long-standing psychological wounds have been healed; and the sexually abused have become whole,” Wade’s evidence shows.

This and other themes come close to the core truths which underlie many “pagan” and “esoteric” traditions, that are now increasingly available for general public education and adoption.

Such knowledge has always been deemed “pagan” because it invariably involves sex in some sacred capacity. This personal source of spiritual and psychological liberation is abhorrent to the bigots and hypocrites who in desperation invent false theologies, dogmas, and moralities to deliberately enslave the human spirit, mind, and body.

Such knowledge has (until now) been “esoteric” because those who truly understood it and lived according to its principles risked becoming outcasts from society or even being murdered for their beliefs and teachings had their activities been at all public.

A great revolution in human affairs is underway, powered by the living Truth of sexual freedom. We will be delving further into this great power which aligns with the force of destiny and transforms individuals who in turn will transform the world to realize the New Age of freedom, liberty, equality, and justice for all.

—Dan Massey