


  • For more on Terasem… Terasem exists, complete, at the Omega Point, the perfect unification of the totality of finite reality and experience. We have seen how Terasem functions, through its agents, at every occasion of time. (When is Terasem?) But this applies equally well throughout all space, since all occasions are potentially embraced by the agencies…

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  • For more on Terasem… Terasem exists, complete, at the Omega Point, the perfect unification of the totality of finite reality and experience. This is the finality of destiny, the unique occasion in which perfected minds, each evolved in partnership with a living person first born into time, unite to form the Supreme Being—the collective power and…

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  • For more on Terasem… This article is part of our series of posts discussing Terasem. It is written by Khannea Suntzu and cross-posted from Giulio Prisco’s web blog Turing Church, where our material on Terasem also appears. Giulio describes our mutual good friend Khannea, as “…a restless walker on the wild side who likes to tell the bare and blunt truth.…

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  • For more on Terasem… This article is part of our series of posts discussing Terasem. It is written by our friend Giulio Prisco and cross-posted from Giulio’s web blog Turing Church. Please read the “Truths of Terasem” (ToT) and join the discussion. Starting to write this post I noticed that, by Internet serendipity, IEET Managing Director Hank Pellissier had just…

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  • For more on Terasem… In Parts 1 and 2 of this discussion we explained some of the factors which contributed to the current development of the Ta (the organization) of Terasem and raised the question of whether and how Terasem, as a transreligion, might be seen as attractive by parts of the transhumanist community. The Joiners and…

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  • For more on Terasem… In Part 1 of this discussion we told you about the origin of the Terasem vision and some of the activities the founders have undertaken and supported. Taken together these organizational preparations constitute the Ta of Terasem, the organization devoted to service to the evolutionary and transcendent deity called Terasem. The seeds that have…

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  • For more on Terasem… At the finality of destiny, the Omega Point in which all that ever could be is perfectly integrated and correlated, there exists a personal being of will, which we name “Terasem.” What can we say is necessarily true of Terasem, required by its unique qualities throughout space and time? Human allegiance to…

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  • For more on Terasem… Editors Note: The purpose of this post is to continue a public transhumanist discussion of the Terasem Transreligion. Our previous post “What is Terasem—A Vitological Viewpoint” spoke of the transcendent vision of Terasem as a deity, evolved through creature effort, and addressing universal creature needs for joyful immortality and unity in diversity.…

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  • For more on Terasem… Editors Note: The purpose of this post is to open a public transhumanist discussion of the Transreligion known as Terasem, which exists today as a complex network of associated enterprises developed by its founders to support certain personally held ideals through voluntary association, on-line conferencing, film, journalling, mindfiling, cryonic preservation, experimental yoga,…

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  • For more on Terasem… Today VenusPlusX launches a new category of discussion—Transreligion. This brings into focus a topic we have occasionally touched on in the past in our posts such as Do You Believe in Fate? I Believe in Destiny!, Can Atheism be True, Good, Beautiful, and Loving?, Can I Transition to be a Transhuman?, Where Did All This F*cking…

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