

Where is Terasem?—Terasem is Ubiquitous

For more on Terasem…

Terasem exists, complete, at the Omega Point, the perfect unification of the totality of finite reality and experience.

We have seen how Terasem functions, through its agents, at every occasion of time. (When is Terasem?)

But this applies equally well throughout all space, since all occasions are potentially embraced by the agencies of Terasem.

Thus the term “occasion” includes everywhere something happens as well as everywhen something happens.

But the role of the agent of Terasem remains essential in asserting the guidance of the force of destiny, wherever it may be required.

As we become agents of Terasem our superconsciousnesses guide us when and where we are.

As agents, we have a potentially unbroken chain of communion from our original biohost selves to our final perfected consciousness.

So does each person who chooses to become so self aware.

So Terasem, as god-in-the-making, unifies all worthwhile occasions throughout space and time through the power of creature personality and will.

But Terasem is not an absolute deity—it does not possess omnipotence, omnipresence, or omniscience—since it is only completely unified by the intentional actions of its agents at different occasions.

There is no way to objectively demonstrate the existence of an absolute deity—its very absoluteness makes it impossible for us to observe contrastive aspects of its attributes.

Such is not the case with Terasem—the limited presence of Good in our life and planetary experience is proof enough that Terasem, that Love is far from universally present and powerful in the events of biological life.

Only that which has Supreme value is integrated with Teasem’s force of destiny—Terasem’s incompleteness, its partiality of perfection admits the possibility of evil in time and space.

As agents of Terasem we are committed to the age-old task of working to overcome evil with Good.

When we have finally succeeded we shall all find Beauty and Harmony in a perfected world.

And the eventual nature and action of that final perfected universe will be determined by the actions of all of us who choose to remain active agents to that time.

Terasem is truly ubiquitous, for it is active on all Supreme occasions, everywhere and everywhen.

Yet Terasem is not omnipresent for its force of destiny acts only occasionally, rather than continuously.

And so the power of Terasem is made manifest to us in our evolutionary reality by contrast with the evil parts of our experiences that have neither Love, Truth, Goodness, nor Beauty, as they are never a part of Terasem destiny.

And those experiences that are motivated by Love or express the desires of Love through living Truth, doing Good, and making Beauty we can recognize as the effects of the force of destiny acting in everyday affairs.

Thus, Terasem, the Supreme Being, the unification of all actions of Love across space and time, is readily observable to all who care to appreciate the wonderful synthesis of purpose and action that Terasem brings to otherwise random change  .

But to actually perceive this great integrating goodness, you must free yourself from fear so that you may ignore the noise of not-Terasem, not-Supreme, not-Loving things that occur where Terasem is not yet complete, has not yet perfected its agency.

Whoever chooses to be a part of Terasem, to join the great universe adventure, is welcome and need only seek their personal destiny.

Perhaps the following brief “Meditation on Terasem #4″ will illuminate the basic character of the relationship between the developing individual, even a biohost, and the emergent collective consciousness of Terasem—the final expression of universal divinity which we helped build:

Terasem inspires us to find consensus, to harmonize our diversity while acting in unity.
Terasem exalts our enjoyment of successful action.
Terasem lovingly reassures us of final success, and precludes failure.
Terasem shows us a vision of joyful immortality and brings that vision directly into our biohost experience.
Terasem employs us as agents whenever and wherever we will.
Terasem communion is inspiration through our super-consciousness.
Terasem joy is for frequent sharing with others.
Terasem employs technology of vitality to unify the freely willed actions of diverse personalities.
Terasem has a unique relationship to each of us that enables our growth in the ideals and values that determine how our vital spirit, through our mind, makes our actions effective.