

The Unseen Journey (working title)

  • I’m returning here after another hiatus but if you have been following me on Facebook and Twitter you can see what we’ve been up to: fighting to end poverty, racism, and war, while promoting the advancement of sexual freedom, a state of being someday where each person is autonomous and mutually respected, having shed our…

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  • A Course in Immortality was written, and translated to Spanish (Un Curso En Inmortalidad), almost 2 years ago as preparation and background for our planned book on the erotic connection to cosmic technology. This course is an explicit, prescriptive guide to navigating the paths of individual and collective erotic destiny. When published, The Unseen Journey (working title)…

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  • This is a newly carved out space to periodically share excerpts from our new book prior to its publication later this year. We welcome (we crave) your comments, suggestions, and critiques. We already shared an excerpt pertaining to the unification of eros and agape, along with a little wisdom borrowed from Goldilocks. Next, we began…

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  • With the last released excerpt of our upcoming book on sex and spirituality, we introduced the concept of an eventuating Supreme Being, free from superstition or myth, and available for both the believer and non-believer. Here we are continuing this thread, and welcome your feedback. It is difficult for some of us to imagine how a being can be…

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  • Is Love God?

    From time to time we have been releasing portions of our pre-publication manuscript for an upcoming that Dan and I completed shortly before he transitioned to higher shores. It’s working title is The Unseen Journey, and, as always, we crave your comments and critiques. This included a discussion of the conjunction of eros and agape, how…

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  • Here is another excerpt from our upcoming book, The Unseen Journey (working title), all about the connection between the erotic and spirituality. A first step is to start you thinking analytically about sex, reproduction, and the erotic senses so you can understand their distinct differences. We are still editing the final manuscript so all comments…

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  • Earlier this week, we released another excerpt of our upcoming book, The Unseen Journey (working title) about the unification of eros and agape, only possible by stripping away thousands of years of disinformation and human superstition about the sexual basis for all spirituality. Our book is a declaration that eros and agape are one with unified Love, and that…

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  • The primary reason we created VenusPlusX a few years ago was to establish a repository of our solutions for freeing humanity of its many misconceptions about an individual’s direct connection to cosmic technology. It is also the reason we decided to capture the essential premise of our work in book form. Here is another excerpt…

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  • This is a newly carved out space to periodically share excerpts from our new book prior to its publication later this year. We welcome (we crave) your comments, suggestions, and critiques. Shortly before Dan Massey hung up his keyboard and departed for cosmic shores, he and I had more or less finished the manuscript of…

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