March 2012

The Sexual Freedom Project: Former US Air Force Female Soldier

(También en Español)

Though the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was a giant step forward, the fact remains that there is still a long way to go in terms of equal rights in the military for women, in the gay community, and especially in the trans community. How do you feel about transgender Americans being excluded from the DADT repeal?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.

0.8 But I’m Not Dead Yet!

For more on A Course in Immortality…

Click here for 0.7 What Will My Life Be Like?
También en español
The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love.

Through increasingly wise worship of the power of erotic joy you have been saved from uncertainty; apprised of your immortality; harmonized with the absolute realities of Love, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty; and, begun to grasp the personal meaning of your cosmic immortality.

You are awake and joyfully alive—perhaps as though inhabiting an entirely new biohost.

And your biohost is still alive and frisky—and ever ready to worship erotic joy.

Although you have envisioned and understood your immortality, you have not yet experienced mortal death, which finally frees your soul from the negative entanglements of life.

How are you to live in this material world, now that you no longer are of this material world?

Objectively, nothing has changed—same body, same brain, same needs, same voice, same friends, same home, same gear—and same desire for erotic joy.

But you certainly are not the same you!

Although you have not yet embraced biohost separation, permanently freeing your better self from the encumbrances of past limitations, while preserving every true goodness, you already know some of what that state will be.

The immortal you is awake and cosmically alive, seeking the satisfaction of Love.

Now you see your human life from the viewpoint of a parallel universe—you have gained a new set of values, which has clarified your priorities.

But your immortal super-conscious still must act to maintain the well-being of your biohost.

You may have conceptually transcended the needs of the flesh; however, all aspects of that experience, including the erotic, remain open to you.

You need no longer fear for your personal immortality, but you also need not suffer from indecision concerning the path of true goodness.

The worship of erotic joy that freed you first from the prison of indecision—that power of salvation on which your transcendent understanding is built—still shows you the way to your salvation.

But now, as a super-conscious person, the same worship in erotic experience powers and guides your life.

Guides your life in the pathways of an unrevealed destiny.

Accelerates the pace of oncoming goodness.


Because in the climax of erotic joy one’s nervous system tastes the full outpouring of Love.

And those moments, when embraced in partnership with Truth, raise your vitality, heal your deficiencies, broaden your insight, and ever guide you onward.

And all these shifts of attitude and viewpoint are inspired by the joy of your erotic communion with Truth.

Now each such experience further prepares you to be a living example of your new understanding and to demonstrate it to others.

By opening the path of erotic communion to others, you empower yourself to experience it ever more deeply.

The avenues of truth affirming erotic exploration in the flesh are numerous and fully open to you.

And you certainly need not fear anything—especially boredom, since a universe of possibilities lies open before you.

After grasping the reality of your immortality and cosmic citizenship your further task is to help others discover what you have learned.

And that is the most basic Truth:

The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love.

Join me today and forever in the worship of the power of erotic joy.

Click here for 0.9 That’s What It’s All About!


Use Birth Control? You’re Fired!

(También en Español)

News of note: Use Birth Control? You’re Fired!

You may want to sit down for this one. Arizona legislators know that whether or not her insurance covers it, a woman may get the prescription she needs to prevent an unintended pregnancy. They want to give her boss the right to control that too. The bill they are pushing would not only allow employers to take the insurance coverage away, but it would also make it easier for an employer who finds out that his employee uses birth control to fire her. You heard me right . . . to fire her.

Allowing discrimination under the banner of religious freedom is a popular theme in America, although the right to religious freedom is constantly falsely interpreted by the right wing. It means: Individuals retain the right to their own religious choices, including ignoring the dictates of organized religion, not the perverse opposite. Religions have no rights to impose behavioral restrictions on others.

When people must choose between sexual freedom and sexual repression, I’m counting on freedom being the more popular choice. We are evolving, and in the end, these bigots will fail.

Creative Commons image by: vociferous

The Sexual Freedom Project: Structure of Creating Change

(También en Español)

Did you attend Creating Change this year? How was your experience? A number of people VenusPlusX interviewed there, for its Sexual Freedom Project, wanted to mention that the structure of the program made them feel separated and sequestered into their chosen labels and groups in the name of creating “safe” places that encourage deeper discussion.

While this aspect can be retained, what are some of the benefits of expanding into other spaces that purposel cross-reference different points of view, as are often found at the intersections of sexual identity and gender expression? We will forward your ideas on to the Creating Change 2013 organizers and share them on this site.

If we hear from you, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video edited by Tiye Massey.

Pot Legalization Foe Getting Rich off the Drug War

(También en Español)

News of Note: Pot Legalization Foe Getting Rich off the Drug War

“The lobbyist who helped kill California’s Proposition 19, the 2010 ballot measure that would have legalized recreational marijuana, has constructed an entire business model around keeping pot illegal. While fighting against the proposed law, lobbyist John Lovell accepted nearly $400,000 from a wide array of police unions, some of which he also represented in attempting to steer millions of federal dollars toward California’s marijuana suppression programs….

“Police unions and their lobbyists weren’t the only economic interests with a stake in Prop. 19. The alcohol industry and prison guards also contributed money to fight the measure. “

Is cannabis illegal because America needs more people in prison? Is cannabis illegal because people shouldn’t have an alternative to alcohol? If not, then how do these lobbyists justify their support of cannabis prohibition? Locking people up in prison not because they are dangerous, but because you profit from it, is a crime against humanity. The primary opponents against cannabis legalization are not concerned with human safety.

When laws are passed under false pretenses, who is our government looking out for? And what is our society turning into?

Creative Commons Image by Petr Brož

The Sexual Freedom Project: Owning Your Identity

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Sometimes the best defense is a good offense when it comes to the media and other outside influences.

How do you manage or deal with outside influences that affect your personal choices and sexual freedom overall?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.

US Congress Expands New Anti-Protest Law

(También en Español)

News of Note: US Congress expands authoritarian anti-protest law

A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would expand existing anti-protest laws that make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by a lengthy prison term—to “enter or remain in” an area designated as “restricted.”

The bill—H.R. 347, or the “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011”—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill.

What about our 1st Amendment right to peaceful assembly? With the Occupy movement sweeping the globe last year and the US Presidential election continuing to gain momentum, this bill has come at just the right time to squash any civil response or resistance. As John F. Kennedy famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” I hope that it doesn’t ever have to come to that.

Creative Commons image by: Lutz

0.7 What Will My Life Be Like?

For more on A Course in Immortality…

Click here for 0.6 Did I Get It Right?
También en español
The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love.

Through increasingly wise worship of the power of erotic joy you have been saved from uncertainty, apprised of your immortality, and harmonized with the absolute realities of Love, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

Compared to the lives of the unloving, who labor in erotic darkness, such a life will be exalting, inspiring, beneficial, and glorious, for it recognizes and adores joy as the divine gift that gives life its purpose.

You will gradually experience vitological integration with the cosmos as you grow spiritually, experiencing how your super-consciousness naturally works in harmony of purpose and action with all other consciousnesses.

Fear and doubt are erased from your life experience by the overwhelming power of erotic joy, attracting and harmonizing each part of your full person.

You are learning to perceive the harmonies of supreme existence and to join your actions in their creation.

The certainty of your actions, overriding personal prejudice and bias, motivates you further to understand the Truth of each occasion.

Always acting in the light of joy that flows from worshipful erotic engagement, you come to embrace the force of destiny engaging your experience.

Because you have chosen to live the Truth in every occasion and to set aside your personal desires in favor of the higher good, you grow to experience your choice or action as the circumstantial ideal, given the burden of history, the limitations of reality, and the force of destiny.

So it transpires that your experience of true and effective action powered by erotic joy reinforces your sense of personal salvation from uncertainty, further illuminating your vision of life eternal.

The power of erotic joy further enables you to joyously embrace the obligations of an endless life, both socially and individually.

In human social intercourse you experience the sharing of living Truth.

You will choose to unite with others in the worship of erotic joy as you experience the sharing of living Truth.

Worship affirms Truth and enlightens all your erotic experiences through an eternity of ever-heightened joy.

Know with the certainty of enlightened experience that you are guided to walk in the paths of joyful destiny and that whatever you do makes a difference.

Click to animate

The basic process in taking each step remains the same, but we become progressively more practiced in its execution.

Worship Love in all its manifestations and you will always find Truth.

At each level of development, worship of erotic joy provides a way to express Love through literal action.

Along your path you will find and learn to appreciate new literal expressions of love, in which you worship the inner power of spiritual joy, while you also grow in understanding.

The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love.

Join me today and forever in the worship of the power of erotic joy.

Click here for 0.8 But I’m Not Dead Yet!


Santorum backs nullifying existing gay marriages

(También en Español)

News of Note: Santorum backs nullifying existing gay marriages

There are 18,000 married gay and lesbian couples in California and at least 131,000 nationwide according to the 2010 census, conducted before New York state legalized same-sex marriage in July.

Rick Santorum says he’ll try to unmarry all of them if he’s elected president

He would “unmarry” all same-sex marriages? Instead of listing reasons why gay marriage is a good thing and why it should have nothing to do with politics, I’d rather emphasize how terrible Rick Santorum is. I would normally disregard his comments as impossible or beneath me, but the nagging reality that we could have him (or someone with similar views) as president scares me senseless.

Santorum represents the magnitude of ignorance and hate many Americans still must overcome.

What do you think has caused these backwards ideologies to maintain so much face in America? What do you think we should be doing about that? We look forward to hearing your opinions.

Creative Commons image by: Gage Skidmore

The Sexual Freedom Project: Mass and Class

(También en Español)

Some children are very lucky to have one or more parent or relative they can have an open dialogue about sexuality with. Public schools and certainly religious-based education do not address key issues having to do with sexuality.

What are the main topics you thought were missing from your own sexual education?

Make a video, write a poem, song, or an essay — or even create an original work of art — and express your thoughts. If we feature your contribution on the site, we will send you a free VenusPlusX t-shirt to thank you.

Video by Tiye Massey.