Dan Massey
Do You Believe in Fate? I Believe in Destiny!
5 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en Español You may have noted that we never speak of “fate” and are constantly speaking of “destiny.” This is a very important distinction in our understanding of how the world actually works. As you become more familiar with the concept of destiny, as we use the word here…
Still a Virgin? Bi and Trans Can Help YOU!
4 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español Once you admit to yourself that you and everybody else in the world is “queer,” you have to confront the question of how the human race will continue if everyone is either L, G, B, or T. And this raises the question of how “straight people” can…
Meek, Arise! Defeat the Bullies!
4 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español More clearly than at any other time in our past, the underlying mechanisms of oppression by which our cultures maintain the status quo are coming into sharp relief. These mechanisms divide the public interest into warring groups, easy to suborn and emasculate through political manipulation. For far…
Columbia’s Basic Concepts
4 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español There are a few basic ideals that Columbia seeks to explain to humanity in order that weaknesses in evolved human social models may be corrected by overlaying the necessary forces of destiny on factors affecting human social evolution. These concepts are fundamental to all of our work…
Introducing Columbia
3 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… When we attended Creating Change in Minneapolis in early February, we were frequently asked “Why Columbia?” To answer this question we might as well start with explaining what Columbia is, and how it relates to our website name, VenusPlusX, and the familiar trigender symbol we associate with our work. It’s…
Your Destiny is Transgender
3 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español Last week we attended a meeting of the trans section of a local PFLAG chapter. I guess there’s nowhere to fit the T into the acronym, much less the fully erased B. In any case, it’s clear these folks provide an important service to the trans community.…
Starting Out Young to Build the Temple
5 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… When you were a teen did you go to DeMolay? Or perhaps you were a Daughter of Job? Or a Rainbow Girl? Were both your grandfathers 33rd degree Masons? Was your mom Most Worthy Grand Matron of the Eastern Star? And did you ever figure out what it was all…
What Kind of Nation is America?
2 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… También en español Many people today, uneducated in the ideals upon which our nation is founded, will claim that we are a “Christian” nation. Others, slightly more respectful of reality, may call us “Judeo-Christian” or even “monotheistic.” All of these notions miss the real point. Though these terms may accurately…
Kinky Twin Cities
3 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… One of the great joys of VenusPlusX and Team COLUMBIA’s presence at Creating Change 2011 was meeting people from the local Minneapolis – St. Paul community who found our open acceptance and promotion of freedom in all matters erotic very much in line with their own experiences and understandings. Team COLUMBIA’s…
Join the Revolution
2 min read
For more on Transhuman Erotic Freedom… An increasing sexual free world is appearing on the horizon. Can you feel it? Touch it? See it? Haven’t you at least noticed that the sexual repression crusaders are crumbling under the weight of their own hypocrisy and fear? This “New Age of Erotic Freedom” will be elucidated on Saturday, February…