


  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.8 But I’m Not Dead Yet! También en español The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love. If you play by the rules, is there any sense in which you can “win the game of life?” Were you someone who is hopeless, thinking…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.7 What Will My Life Be Like? También en español The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love. Through increasingly wise worship of the power of erotic joy you have been saved from uncertainty; apprised of your immortality; harmonized with the absolute realities…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.6 Did I Get It Right? También en español The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love. Through increasingly wise worship of the power of erotic joy you have been saved from uncertainty, apprised of your immortality, and harmonized with the absolute realities…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.5 Immortal? What’s Next? También en español The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love. Just as your embrace of salvation from uncertainty is sustained by your worship of erotic joy, the certainty of your choices is validated by this same sublime source.…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.4 Claim Immortality También en español We tend to think of the erotic as an experience that is only important to us as living, biological beings, but nothing is further from the truth. At all levels of universe experience, the erotic is the permanent and persistent…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.3 Find Your Salvation También en español The erotic is the universal foundation of personal growth in Love. I am immortal. And so are you if you choose to be. It is through salvation that we come to understand and experience personal immortality. Our pastfathers believed…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.2 On This Foundation También en español In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams proposed that the human quest for survival could be characterized in three stages: How shall we eat? What shall we eat? Where shall we have dinner? Thus humanity has ascended…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.1 Worship Erotic Joy También en español The cornerstone of a new faith has been laid—a new vision of human individual and social destiny comprising the emergence of a unity expressing harmonious divergence among its members. The foundation of this faith is the worship of Love…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… Click here for 0.0 A Course in Immortality También en español The underlying fundamental absolute of the universe in which we live is the power we recognize in the desire to do good to others, which we properly name Love. Love is expressed in and bestowed upon every level…

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  • For more on A Course in Immortality… También en Español VenusPlusX initiates a special series of short articles that will explain how anyone can develop personal consciousness of their true transhuman immortality. Many of the longer articles in our continuing series on Transhuman Erotic Freedom have dealt with aspects of this powerful opportunity for service and…

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